<A Day Out> Chpt. 9

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!A/N Thank you everyone for getting this story to over 600 veiws! That's all from me, now onto the story! A/N!

Muichiro's pov

I've been staying at Genya's house for the past week.

I wake up to hear snoring. I open my eyes slightly and see Genya next to me. I hug him and he slightly wakes up. "Morning..." He says quietly, rubbing his eye. "Good morning." I say with a slight smile. I then hear Genya's phone go off. He picks it up and looks at the notification. I look over to see what it is. It's from Tanjiro asking if we want to go to a theme park with the squad. "Do you wanna go to a theme park today?" Genya asks me. "Sure." I respond. He texts back Tanjiro saying we will go.

We stay on the mattress for a few more minutes until we head down for breakfast. "Good morning, boys!" Shizu says happily. "Morning mom." Genya says with a smile. "Morning, Mrs Shinazugawa." I say, sitting down at the island in the kitchen. "I made pancakes this morning!" She says with a large smile, giving both of us plates with 3 pancakes.

"Good morning!" Yorioya walks into the room, in his clothes for work. "Morning, dear." Shizu says lovingly, placing a kiss on Yorioya's cheek. He grabs a pancake and seats down next to me. "How did you two sleep?" He asks. "I slept good!" Genya says, his mouth full of pancake. "Me too." I say quietly, shoving a peice of pancake into my mouth. "Well that's good," He smiles at us. "Anyways I'm off to work." He says, turning his smile into a quick frown. "Bye dad, have a good day!" Genya says. "You too son." He says, leaving the house.

Me and Genya finish up eating and head back upstairs. "What time are we going to the theme park?" I ask. "12:30." Genya says. I look at the time, 10:30. The park is an hour away. "We should start getting ready." I say, still looking at the clock. Genya nods. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get dressed. I get dressed into an oversized tan sweater, jeans, and my slip on vans. I go back into Genya's room and he's already dressed in a black sweatshirt, ripped jeans, and white converses.

"We still need a ride." I say, tapping my chin. "I know who, don't worry!" Genya says, excitedly. He starts to run down the hallway and I follow him. We stop at Sanemi's room. "NEMI!" Genya yells while flinging open the door.

"HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING?!!" Sanemi yells at us. "Sorry Nemi, but can you drive us to the theme park?" Genya pleads. "Fine. Get in the car." Sanemi says, grabbing his car keys. "Thanks Nemi!" Genya says, running back to his room. I follow him again and he stops in the doorway. "What's wrong?" I ask. He turns around quickly and hugs me tightly. He let's go of the hug and turns back around, grabbing his phone. "What was that for?" I ask, blushing slightly.

"Oh, nothing." He smiles softly at me. I also grab my phone and head out to the car. We sit in the car, Sanemi driving, Genya in the driver's side seat, and me in the passenger side back seat. The drive is normal, Sanemi blasts heavy metal, Genya and me try to talk but can't hear each other, and so we just sit there the whole time. I look at my phone for a bit. But then we arrive.

Me and Genya thank Sanemi and wait for everyone else. We see Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kanao, Aoi, Makomo, and Sabito walking towards us. "Hey Guys!" Genya says. I just wave. We all start talking in the parking lot as we walk up to the main entrance. I mostly talk to Makomo and Kanao. "Where are you guys staying while the school is closed?" I ask them.

"I'm staying with Sabito's family, my parents are on a 3 week long business trip." Makomo says quietly. "I'm staying at my house with my sisters." Kanao says with a small smile. "Where are you staying, Muichiro?" Kanao also says. "I'm staying with Genya." I say, my face heating up slightly. "That sounds nice." Makomo says. I smile slightly as Genya comes over to us. He bends down to my height and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Muichiro, you see that ride?" He points to a huge roller-coaster that is painted blue and yellow. "Yea, what about it?" I say, raising an eyebrow. "That's the ride we are going on first!" He says, sounding excited. "Okay." My voice is shaky. I don't really like roller-coasters but I'll go on any of them for Genya. We pay for our tickets and head inside the park.

"Alright, everyone get with a partner! I will go with Nezuko." Tanjiro says, he brought a whistle for some reason. "I'll be with Inosuke." Aoi says, pulling Inosuke back to her. "I'll go with Muichiro!" Genya says with a big smile, pulling me close to him. My face would heat up. "I'll go with Makomo." Kanao says quietly, looking over to Makomo. "So that leaves Sabito and Zenitsu paired up!" Tanjiro says. Sabito shrugs and Zenitsu pouts.

We head over to the first roller-coaster. The yellow and blue one we saw earlier. The ride is called Thunderous Cliff. We step into the lines which are quite short as everyone is either at work or school today. Me and Genya are in the second row and Tanjiro and Nezuko are in the first row. The gates open and we sit down in the seats. I buckle the seat belt and pull down the big harness around my chest and shoulders. Genya checks it to make sure it's secure and lady also goes seat by seat making sure everyone is secure. Everyone is secure and ready when we hear someone speak.

"We hope everyone has a great and safe ride, enjoy."

The person stops speaking and the ride starts with a jolt. As soon as the ride starts we go up a slope. It takes a while to get up the slope. Once we reach the top the ride stops for a second. I look around seeing almost the whole park and then Genya speaks. "You ready, Muichiro?" Genya says with a determined look. "I guess so..." I say, my voice shaking. The ride starts going again and it goes down almost vertically. I let out a high pitched scream and hold onto Genya's arm. The screams around me fill the air. The ride stops going down and it makes an unexpected turn and then a loop right after. I feel like puking. We start going up another slope. This one is smaller but still tall. It stops again at the top and then it quickly goes back down. Screams again fill the air, my scream joining. The ride comes to a quick halt as we get to the finish.

Genya steps off the ride and helps me off. I bend down putting my hands on my knees. "I felt like I was going to puke." I huff. "Are you okay? Do you need a break?" Genya asks me, patting my back. "No I'm fine." I state confidently, grabbing my phone out of the cubby they make you put lose objects in.

We walk out of where the ride is and look around.

"Hey guys, let's go on that one next."

!A/N Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Also should I make something that says all of the character's in my au backstories? Anyways, have a great day/night! A/N!
Word Count: 1,300

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