<The First Date> Chpt. 15

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!A/N This will be the final chapter! I will try to make this one longer. Sorry it took so long! Anyways, enjoy! A/N!

3rd person pov

Genya was rushing to his brother's room right after school. He barged in without knocking. He saw Sanemi with Kanae. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Sanemi shouted, throwing a pillow at his brother. "I'M SORRY, BUT DO YOU HAVE ANY NICE CLOTHES??" Genya shouted back. "What do you need nice clothes for..?" Sanemi asked in a gruff voice. "Well, uhm... I have a date!" Genya said with confidence, puffing up his chest. "With?" Sanemi questioned, his overprotective brother mode on. "Em... Muichiro..." Genya muttered, scratching the back of his neck. "With who..? WAIT... YOU MEAN TOKITO??? MY BEST STUDENT?!" Senemi yells, practically having a mental breakdown. "Honey, it's okay..." Kanae tries to comfort him. "IT IS NOT OKAY!!!" Sanemi yells in a fit of anger. "'Nemi, it's just a date. Nothing more." Genya says calmingly. Sanemi scoffs. "Fine, you can borrow one of my nice dress shirts." Sanemi says, still having an angry tone in his voice. He gets up from his couch and gets the dress shirt and some longer khaki pants he has. Genya goes to the bathroom and changes.

He comes back, the shirt is a bit tight showing more of his chest features through the shirt, and the pants perfectly fit. "You look good, Genya." Sanemi said proudly with a small smile. "It's rare for you to be soft, Sanemi." Kanae said with a giggle. "I'M NOT BEING SOFT!!" He yelled seeming a bit flustered. Genya stood there.

~With Muichiro~

"Where is it..." Muichiro grumbled as he searched through his wardrobe. "Aha!" He happily shouted, pulling out a blue dress shirt. "Now to find those pants..." He thought, a bit annoyed. Again he searched through his wardrobe and finally pulled out the black dress pants. He sighed in relief as they were not wrinkled. He then changed and looked in the mirror. "Just need my shoes..." He mumbled going to the bottom drawer of his wardrobe.

He pulled out some fancy black shoes and slipped them on. He looked in the mirror once again. He smoothed out the shirt and left the room for his date.

~Once they get there~
Genya pov

I reach the diner. I wait for Muichiro. I'm constantly checking the time, sweating nervously. I suddenly feel someone hug me from behind. "Hi Genya." Muichiro's quiet voice says. "Hello Muichiro!" I say happily, turning towards him. I see him blush a little and he gets on his tiptoes to kiss me on the cheek. I also start blushing. "Let's go." He says, smiling softly. I nod and we walk into the diner, holding hands.

We sit down at a small booth and stare at each other. Neither of us make conversation. Until the waiter came over. "Hello sir, would you like a menu?" The waitress asked me. "Yes please." I said. "Alright, here you go," She set a menu in front of me. "And does your little sister want a kids menu?" She asked, looking towards Muichiro. "I'm a boy and I'm 15." Muichiro said, visibly angry. "O-oh, I'm so sorry, sir!" The waitress apologizes, handing Muichiro a menu.

She walks away joyfully. I hear a clash of a fork hitting against a table and I hear a familiar voice after it. "Genya Shinazugawa." The voice says, in an angry tone. The person walks over and it's Yuichiro. "Brother!" Muichiro says, sounding partially happy. "Muichiro, I'm bringing you home." Yuichiro says dully. "No brother, I'm staying here. On my date." Muichiro says, frustrated. "No! You can't!" Yuichiro yells, pounding his fists on the table. I sit there awkwardly. Then I see Yuichiro pull Muichiro away by his wrist. I could see Muichiro wince as Yuichiro yanked him away.

"Let him go!" I blurt out, standing up from my seat. Yuichiro turns his head to glare at me. I scoff and walk over to him. He is almost back to his table when I grab Muichiro's waist from behind and pull him close to my body. "You're not ruining this." I say strictly. Yuichiro scoffs and rolls his eyes. Muichiro looks up at me. I quickly kiss him on the forehead and look back up at Yuichiro. "You'll never be accepted by father as a homosexual." Yuichiro said, turning away, grabbing his jacket, and leaving.

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