<Skipping> Chpt. 13

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!A/N Finally another chapter 🕺. Also thank you all for over 1,000 veiws!Hope you all enjoy this one! A/N

Muichiro pov

It's been 2 weeks since the sleepover. School opened back up and it's been as boring as ever. Same thing everyday.

I sit bored, in Chemistry class. It's almost time for the bell to ring. I stare at the clock hearing every tick go by. Then finally 8:30.


I practically leaped out of my seat, grabbed my books, and bolted to my locker. I meet Genya there and we talk for awhile. Just then I have a bull shit idea. "What if we sneak out of school?" I say, expecting a good reaction. "WHAT?? YOU WANT TO... WHAT!?!" Genya yells. Knew it, good reaction. "Yea, we can sneak over to Mr. Himejima's house. I know you have a key." I say with a smug look. "Come on Muichiro, we'll get in trouble!" Genya cried. "Oh you're such a cry baby. Just meet me in the boys bathroom at 9 o'clock." I whispered so the people around us couldn't hear. Genya nodded and grabbed his stuff, rushing off to his next class. I realized we had the same class and followed him.

We sat down in class and I patiently watched the clock. "Tokito, could you read paragraph 2 on page 93, please?" Miss. Kanroji asked me, she had a sweet smile on her face. I snapped out of my thoughts and began reading. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Genya raise his hand. "Can I go to the bathroom, Miss. Kanroji?" He asked. The teacher nodded and gave him a pass. I kept reading aloud and eyed Genya as he left. I finished reading and looked towards Nezuko. I poked her shoulder.

"Nezuko." I whispered. She turned around and stared me down. "What??" She loudly whispered. "Can I borrow the bathroom pass you used yesterday?" I muttered. "For?" She asked, raising her eyebrow. "It's for... nothing! Just give me the pass!" I whispered angrily. She sighed and handed over the pass. I quickly erased her name and put my own. I also erased the date and put today's. I raised my hand and the teacher called on me.

"Yes, Tokito?" She asked. "Can I go pick up my breakfast from the canteen? I forgot to." I said, trying to sound sad. "Of course! Don't want you going hungry!" She reassured me. I nod and take the pass I had. I leave the room sigh in relief that I wasn't caught and ran to the bathroom. I slame the door open and see Genya standing there with his backpack. Shit... I should've grabbed that. "One moment." I mumble.

I run out of the room to my locker. Trying to be stealthy. I sneak past Mr. Iguro's door and get to my locker. I put the combination in and open the door quietly. I take out my backpack and sling it over my shoulder, closing the locker and locking it. I rush back to the bathroom trying not to make a sound. I walk back into the bathroom and see Genya playing on his phone.

"Get up. We gotta go." I say, opening thr window. "Fine." He drops his phone into his backpack, putting it over his shoulder. I push my backpack out of the window and then push my self out the window. I stand up rather quickly so I can grab Genya's hand and help him out. "Are you sure this is okay, Muichiro?" He asks. "We're already doing it, so yea." I say in response. I grab his hand and start running down the road to Mr. Himejima's house.

We arrive in a few minutes and Genya gets the key out of his pocket. He unlocks the door and steps in. We look around for a moment but then head down to the basement. I flick the lights on and it reveals a some beanbags, a couch, and much more. I drop my backpack and leap onto the largest beanbag chair. "See! I told you we'd be fine." I say to Genya. "I guess you're right." He drops his bag carefully and sits down next to me. I stare at him as I go into deep thought.

"I haven't really been close to him since the sleepover. I want to be close to him again. I want his love... his affection." I think. I snap out of my thoughts. A inch closer to Genya, putting my arm on top of his. Are hands link. We stare deeply into each other's eyes. He broke out laughing. I didn't know why. I tried laughing along. He pulled me into a large hug and we stayed there. I shoved my face into the crook of his neck.

Genya pov

Muichiro put his head between my head and shoulder which made my face heat up. I put my hand on his waist and pulled him closer. "I know our friends say we should date, but I'm not ready yet." I think. Muichiro snaps me out of my thoughts though. "Hey, let's watch a show!" He says happily. I smile and agree. I flick on the TV and go to one of the channels. We start watching a random show that I didn't know the name of. We watched it until we heard the front door open. I leaped up off the chair.

"Shit! I forgot the elementary school had a half day today!" I half yelled. I grabbed my backpack and Muichiro's and ran to the basement window. "Get out the window." I said to Muichiro, lifting him up and out of the window. "Grab out bags and wait there." I said, handing him our bags and going upstairs.

"Hello, Mr. Himejima!" I said ad if nothing was wrong. "Oh hello, Genya. Why are you here today?" He asked me politely. "Thought I'd just stop by and say hi to your cats!" I'd say. "Oh, alright then. I assume you have to go know?" He asked. "Yes sir, I apologize." I say. "It's alright Genya, did you have fun with young Tokito?" He asked me. "Eh, huh, what..?" I said in disbelief. "I have cameras set up around the house. So I heard you on the footage." He said, sipping his tea. "I see... just don't tell my teachers, please." I begged. "I won't, now, run along." He said. "Yes sir." I nodded, leaving the house. I meet up with Muichiro outside and he doesn't ask any questions. We walk down the street. I see a car window open and a cat being thrown out the moving car.

Muichiro zooms over to the cat, petting it. "It's okay..." He whispers. I walk over, not as worried. Then Muichiro speaks up.

"We have to save him, Genya."

!A/N Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry if it was a little rushed at the end! Anyways have a good day/night! A/N!
Word Count: 1,171

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