<Are You Dating?> Chpt. 10

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!A/N Just letting you all know, each two person ride will show one of the persons pov's so there will be multiple pov's for one ride. Anyways, enjoy!

Muichiro pov

"I want to go on that ride." Nezuko said, pointing to the largest ride in the park. "Are you sure, Nezuko?" Tanjiro said, obviously sweating. "Yeah!" Nezuko yelled, sounding frustrated. "Okay, okay. I'll go on it with you first." Tanjiro said, Nezuko dragging him into the line. They were first in line, and Inosuke and Aoi were right behind them.

"Alright, step into the seats and pull your harnesses on."

Tanjiro pov

I pull the harness over my head, it snuggly fits around my chest and shoulders. I buckle the other straps the ride has and I help Nezuko with hers. The lady checks to make sure we are secure and the ride starts.

We start going up and up until the ride stops. We are atleast 12 floors up if we were in a building. "Nezuko... I love you..." I said, my voice shaking and sweat dripping down my face.  "I love you too..." Her voice also was shaking. The swing dropped. It flew down and me and Nezuko screamed like little girls. The ride swung back and forth for awhile until we finally stopped back at the start.

Aoi pov

As Tanjiro and Nezuko stepped off the ride looking like they were going to die. Me and Inosuke stepped on. "Inosuke buckle up!" I yelled at him. "I DON'T NEED A HARNESS!!" He shouted back. I forced the harness over his head and got it tightened. The lady checked to make sure we were secure and the ride started going up. We stopped atleast 150 feet in the air. And then it dropped. "SHITTTTT!!!!!" Inosuke screamed at the top of his lungs. The force of the drop lifted me out of the seat a little. Inosuke surprisingly put his arm out infront of me. We swung back and forth for 3 minutes and I felt nauseous. The ride finally stopped and I stepped off with the world around me spinning.

Muichiro pov

I watched as Aoi and Inosuke stepped off the ride, Aoi looked like she was going to puke. It was mine and Genya's turn. I let Genya step into the ride first then I stepped in carefully. I pulled down the harness and buckled the straps, Genya did the same. The lady checked to make sure we were secure and then she gave the okay. We zoomed into the sky. The ride tilted upwards and all I could see was the blue sky. Me and Genya looked at each other as the ride stopped there. Then after a few seconds the ride dropped sending us spinning backwards. "I love you, Muichiro!!!" I heard Genya yell. "I love you too, Genya!!" I screamed, the ride pushing me around. The ride swung forward and I swung forward hitting the harness hard. My head also hit the side of the harness as we swung, I lost conscious. Everything went dark.

Genya pov

The ride still swung back and forth. I saw Muichiro's eyes closed and he wasn't moving by himself. "Muichiro?!?!" I yelled, nudging him a bit. He just wouldn't wake up. The ride finally stopped and I got him off the ride. The lady that checked us for the ride came over. "Is she okay?" She asked me. "He's fine." I say, with a small smile. I carry Muichiro over to where Tanjiro, Nezuko, Aoi, and Inosuke are. And I sit down on a bench, holding Muichiro still. I watch as Makomo and Kanao get launched into the air, their screams follow. They got off the ride shaking. Next was Zenitsu and Sabito. We heard Zenitsu's scream the whole time. But once they got off Sabito had a straight face. "How did you not scream?!" Zenitsu yelled. "I've seen better rides." Sabito simply said, walking off to the snack stand.

"Well I think we should get lunch then!" Tanjiro said, clapping his hands together. I pick up Muichiro off the bench and headed over to the snack stands. I grabbed chips and popcorn and paid. I sat down at another bench and started eating the popcorn. But as I reached for another handful I saw another hand take a peice of popcorn out of the bag. I look down and it was Muichiro who took the popcorn out of the bag. I look at him with a shocked, mad face jokingly and he laughed hugging me. I smiled blushing slightly and that's when I saw Zenitsu look over to us.

"Are you two dating?"

!A/N Sorry this chapter was shorter, I want to save the next chapter for something special 😌. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed and have a good day/night! A/N!
Word Count: 813

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