Chapter 9 Sickness part 2

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Chapter 9 part 2-

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon, it gave me a sense of déjà vu . I patted the spot next to me expecting Raven to be curled upina ball. When I didn’t feel her I opened my eyes and sat up. That’s when yesterdays events came back to me. The concert, Frank kissing that fan, Raven flattened on the pavement, going home alone, making myself puke. I felt tears prickle at my eyes but I quickly swatted them away with my fingers. 

I stood up and swayed as the room spun around me, I fell back down on the bed. I sat there for a few seconds and stood up slowly. The room was still spinning a bit but it finally rested and allowed me to stand. I walked slowly over to the bathroom and opened the door. There was a faint scent of puke but I ignored it. I shut the door and did my business. As I washed my hands I accidentally looked at my self in the mirror. I looked terrible. I still had many bruises on my face but that wasn’t it. I had dark circle under my eyes and the parts of my face that wasn’t blue and purple was ghostly pale, even for me. My hair was clumped and standing up in ways I didn’t even know was possible.  It vaguely reminded me of a hobo. 

I whipped open the door and ran to my suit case. I took out my brush and a hair tie and ran back to the bathroom before anyone could see my hoboness. I locked the door then turned back to the mirror. I yanked my brush through my hair very painfully.  When I go the knots out there was still bumps from where I slept on it. I bundled my hair in my hand and put it in a ponytail and secured it with a hairtie. I looked at the mirror again somewhat satisfied. I smiled at myself, I grimaced at my smile. I hated my smile. I turned away from the mirror, opened the bathroom door and followed my nose in search of what was responsible for the smell. 

I walked into the living room and looked around. Frank was sitting on the couch watching the news, Mikey was reading the newspaper at the kitchen table and Gerard was at the stove flipping pancakes. Ahhh the cause of the smell. Ray was no where insight. 

“Morning sleepy head” Gerard said turning me. 

“Morning” I yawned. At the sound of my voice Frank spoke up. 

“Hey, are you feeling alright” he asked. I turned to him.

“What do you mean?” I asked, hiding the anger from my voice.

“The bathroom smelled like puke and you were the only one using it”

“Oh, yeah, Im fine” I lied, he didn’t look convinced.

“Are you sure, we can take you to the doctor if you want.”

“No” I answered, malice filling my voice. He raised his eyebrows at me tone.

“Sorry, its just, I hate doctors and I prefer to stay away from them” I said blushing.

“Why” asked Gerard. I walked over to him.

“Hello, when you to the doctor it normally results in needles, I hate needles” I shuttered

“You and me both kid”  he said hip bumping me.

“That’s because you’re a wimp” Mikey said, not looking up from his newspaper. 

“Am not” Gerard narrowed his eyes at Mikey.

“Are to” 

“Am not” I sat down at the table as they argued.

“Are to” 

“Am not” 

“Are to”

“Am not”

“Am not” Mikey said smirking

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