Chapter 27

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The next morning I woke up feeling entirely exhausted. I skipped out on taking my sleeping pills which resulted in me waking throughout the night plus my encounter with Andy didn’t help any. After those recent events my feelings toward Andy have changed. Sure im confused on why he acts the way he does but that makes him somewhat intriguing. It’s like I can’t help but want to be aroun him.

I sat up and looked at the new clock Lyn-z bought me. She was completely understandable about me breaking the first one. The numbers 6:45 flashed at me.

“Oh gawd” I muttered to myself, it’s so early. I rubbed my sore tired eyes, trying to get the sleep out of the. There was a knock on my door followed by Lyn-z’s voice.

“Sanity, it’s time to get up, you have school.”

“Shit” I muttered. I completely forgot about school. How was I going to deal with all that drama that is surely awaiting me. As I began to replay those events my heartbeat began to pick up. I could feel sweet began to develop on my palms and tears prickle at my eyes. There was no way I was going to be able to face this, not now. I mean, just look at me, just the mere thought of it is sending me into a panic.

I decided I was going to convince Lyn-z to let me stay home after I showered. I walked to my bathroom and stripped down. I was shaking with my anxiety attack I could feel coming on. I turned the water as hot as my body could tolerate and stepped in. I shut the sliding glass door and closed my eyes as the scalding hot water slid down my body. This was always my favorite part the day. Showering. You could escape your problems as long as you possible. You could let the warm water relax your tense muscles. Most people prefer baths, but not me, I was a shower type person. I could never understand how people could take baths and literally sit in your own filth. There’s not real point behind it.

I stood in the shower for a good 30 minutes before I finally washed up. I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. I put on my extremely fluffy black robe while breathing in the moist air. I walked over to my sink and swiped my steam covered mirror, clearing a spot for my face to reflect back. I had water droplets coating my perfectly arched eyebrows and my black hair clung to my face in a tangled mess.

Brushing my hair was always the worst part of taking a shower, it was painful. I sighed as I picked up my brush. I watched my face cringe with every single stroke I made. Finally my hair was tangled free. I gathered up my hair to right side of my head and braided. It fell perfectly over my shoulder. You’d think braiding my hair would a long process with how long it is but I’m actually pretty quick at it.

I quickly got dressed, throwing on my favorite hoodie and skinny jeans. I made my way to the kitchen where I could smell has browns.

“Is that has browns I smell?” I asked as my stomach gurgled.

“It sure is, I went to McDonalds, I wasn’t sure what to order you so I just got what I normally buy.”

I rounded the corner and spotter a McDonalds bag sitting on the counter. “It smells amazing.” I walked over to the counter, “What all is in here?” I peered inside the bag.

“Two hash browns, an egg biscuit sandwich, and orange juice”

“mmmm” I exclaimed as I sniffed the air. I grabbed my bag and sat down next to her at the kitchen table. Her meal was practically gone. I greedily stuck my hand into the paper bag and pulled out my breakfeast. I sat it all out in front of me before turning towards her.

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