Poolside adventures

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I am going to kill my brother. Why would he make me go swimming when he knows how much I hate being around people.

I continue rummaging through my dresser for the most covering bathing suit. I finally settled on one and put a big t shirt over it. I grabbed my sunglasses and my book and slowly went down the stairs. As I was about to reach the bottom Brooks was rounding the corner.

He looked up at me with a genuine smile. He has a smile that can make your day ten times better.
"I was just coming up to check on you".
"Oh, I was just trying to find a suit to wear" I said trying not to let my voice waver.

He looked at me for a brief moment and grabbed my hand and led me out to the pool. The further we went the worse my anxiety got.

No one seemed to see me, so I sat on the edge of the pool with my legs in. I got my book out and started reading.

It got harder and harder to read my book because everyone was being loud. I Heard all my siblings break out in laughter and I couldn't help but look over with a sad smile.

I thought of joining them but then I remembered that I am not what they consider an enjoyable time. I would just end up being made fun of.
"Can you turn the page you're leaving me on a cliffhanger" I looked over to see Asher sitting by me reading over my shoulder.

"Since when do you read"?
He rolled his eyes and reached over to turn the page. "You know they won't bite if you go over".
"What are you talking about" I said, trying to act confused.

"They are your siblings you shouldn't be hiding from them".
"Am not"
"Are too"

"Franny, you are forgetting that I have known you since you were little, and I know when there is something wrong." He paused to look me in the eye. "You seem so different this summer, and I'd hate to see you go through something alone".

I rolled my eyes trying to hide the tears forming. I slowly closed my book and put my head on his shoulder.

"You are worrying over nothing because there is nothing wrong with me". I said while staring over at my siblings. "You know how it has always been with my sisters, I am just the annoying little sister that they couldn't give the time of day".

Quickly wiped away the small tear so he didn't notice I was crying. I stood up turned to him while holding out my hand.

"How about we go in and make lunch for everyone". 
I waved over Max, Brooks, and warren to come and help us. We all went to the kitchen, and I connected my phone to the speaker to fill some of the silence as we chopped up the veggies and I made the sandwiches.

I've always loved being in the kitchen, it always brings me peace, just like painting, swimming, and reading. When I'm in the kitchen I get to create something that will bring everyone happiness.

As I was standing at the stove toasting the bread, I felt someone's eyes on me. I looked over my shoulder discretely and found warren staring at me.

I felt a deep blush forming on my cheeks and a little smile playing on my lips. Suddenly I felt a hot pain coursing through my hand. I hissed in pain while waving it in the air, I looked at it and saw a burn on the side of my hand.

Then someone gently reached over and grabbed my wrist. I look over to see Warren with his eyebrows furrowed and examine my hand. "You have got to be more careful" he said while looking up at me.

"Max, can you finish toasting the bread"? Warren asked while taking ahold of my good hand and dragging me up the stairs.

Once we reached the bathroom, he sat me down on the toilet and got the supplies from the medicine cupboard.

"It's just a small burn you don't have to". I said as he was getting a wet rag and burn cream. He made his way over to me and set the supplies down, trying to avoid eye contact. "Yes, I do". That is all he said while crouching down in front of me.

"This time the roles are reversed" I said referring to all the times he came to my house late at night with some sort of injury. I never asked what it was from. But I had a feeling it was his father; they never had a good relationship. We don't talk about it, but I would always be there to comfort him. Somewhere deep inside of me I can't help but wish he was there to comfort me in my time of need.

He looked up with a distant look and gave me a blank stare. Why did I say that? Who just blurts that out?

After a few moments I hissed, and he muttered a small sorry. He seemed too focused on my hand then.

Where was this version of him yesterday, this is the Warren I remember?

"This is going to hurt so hold onto my shoulder and feel free to squeeze if it's too much". He said bringing me back from my thoughts. I closed my eyes as it stung, but the pain went away as soon as it had come. I opened my eyes to see him applying the burn cream and wrapping it in a bandage.

Then he slowly leaned in kissing the top of the bandage just how I had when I helped him. He then looked up at me and we both paused to enjoy this for a moment. "Thanks so much Ren" I said using the nickname only I called him.
It annoyed him and I loved his reaction whenever I said it.


We were all eating lunch and I was sitting between Eli and Amelia. Across from me was warren and next to him was Alex. On the other side of him was Abigail, who kept stealing glances at him and batting her eyes. I couldn't help but feel a little hint of jealousy burning inside of me.

Alex then cleared his throat, " As the oldest that lives here I'm supposed to let you all know that mom and dad are going away on a month-long vacation. With them gone that leaves me I charge of you younger two". I rolled my eyes annoyed because I do not need a babysitter. Sometimes I think that none of them know my actual age.

Then I remembered that if they will be gone for a whole month that means that they will mis my birthday. It's not the first time, but that does not make it hurt any less. I lost my appetite, so I pushed my plate and wiped my mouth. I stood up, grabbed my plate and headed to the kitchen to clean it. As I was leaving, I heard one of my sisters start to talk.

I was thinking about the times my parents did this to me. It makes me mad that something so simple can change my mood so fast. I can't help it though, I guess my siblings were always right when they said I was too sensitive.


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