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Loving someone shouldn't be easy, but also it shouldn't be seen as a task or a burden. Love is supposed to challenge you but give intense strength. It provides comfort and familiarity, while also inviting new and terrifying territory. It can contradict it's self in the dearest ways. But that's just the beauty behind love.

But my mother tests this theory beyond comprehension. My mother is not nurturing, and could turn on me at any moment, but this is just her "parenting style".

Nothing personal.

Yeah right.


"Do you hear yourself, you are all insane and I'm done." I exclaimed pushing out my chair and got up.

"Franny wait.." Alex said as if he was going to follow me.

"Don't do it or you will be in the same position as her!" My mom exclaimed. I have never been so discussed by a person in my life.

Alex looked taken back and he looked between me and my mom and I. I could easily distinguish his torn thoughts. I myself felt bad for putting him in this situation, he shouldn't have to chose between me and his own mother, even though if it came down to it I would hope he would chose me.

"Alex, its ok I will be fine Ill see you later" I reassured him as said while giving him a small smile. He looked guilty but I could see the relief flash through his eyes, because he didn't have to make the decision.

I walked towards the front of the restaurant and saw our waitress she was rolling up silverware for future costumers.

In a reluctant manner I made my way over to her, she looked as if this job was physically paining her. She sighed in frustration as her dark brown strands kept falling over her eyes.

"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you but I just wanted to thank you for what you did back there."

she looked at me with realization as she realized who I was, she formed a small smile on her face, "No problem, she seems real nice."

I snorted out a laugh at her sarcastic tone, " oh, yeah that's her being subtle, but you didn't have to do that and I just wanted to thank you." I claimed.

She looked me over for a minute and she extended her hand, "Vivian"

I took her hand and shook it lightly while replying back with my name. "I'm Franny, and I thing you went to my school"

"Midtown high school?"

"The one and only"  I said while nodding.

"You actually might know my brother Alex Hamilton; he is actually over there at the end of the table." I stated while motioning back at my table.

A look of recognition passed her face and she hummed in agreement.

"Yeah I remember him and his group of guys they were attached at the hip. They  were literally in every class together."

"Oh I know they are still all friends and I see them all the time. Anyway it was nice meeting you, and thanks again."

"No problem, and I hope to see you around" she smiled and I waved good bye as I made my way out of the front door. The light breeze hit me and I took a deep breath, It was nice talking to someone who doesn't know of all the baggage I carry. It was freeing.

I walked out in the parking lot and quickly realized that I don't have a ride because Alex is the one who drove me here. I thought through my options and was realizing that they were dwindling fast.

Warren was at his moms today and that Is a good hour away and I don't want him to have to come all the way here, just to pick me up.

Brooks is currently, working and so is Max, so I guess that leaves Asher. I pulled out my phone and pulled out my phone and searched through it for his contact.

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