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" so who is ready for shopping!!" I heard a squeal like voice say coming from behind me. I shoved the last bite of my pancakes in my mouth and turned around.

There stood Macie with the biggest smile on her face. I gasped and dropped my fork onto the table and hugged her, right about now she is the only part of my life that is drama free, and I need to hold onto that.

She frowned when she saw my face and then I realized I still had some healing bruises on my face, maybe I spoke too soon.

I pulled her into a hug before she could say anything. "You missed alot, but later. Ok?" I said letting her know that I will fill her in just not right now.

" hey Macie how was the Bahamas?!" Alex asked as he walked into the room. We pulled apart and walked over to the table and taking our seats.

"It was amazing, and so beautiful" she exclaimed while she clapped her hands together.  "Ooo, meet any hot guys?" Abigail questioned while  sitting down next to her.

As they chatted away I looked over at the boys with a smile on my face. Brooks saw me looking at them because he was the only one not listening to Macie's extravagant stories.

"You good?" He mouthed to me while furrowing his eye brows. I smiled and nodded while giving him a reassuring nod. He then focused back on the conversation,  but I couldn't help but notice that him and Alex were sitting close to each other. More than normal.

I was taking this moment in, this is what I craved to be normal to live a peaceful life with the ones I love.

"Nothing too important, but you know what is.... Franny's birthday!" Macie said with excitement. Everyone turned and looked at me with sincere smiles on their face.

"Speaking of we have some planning to do for a party tonight" Max said while taking the last sip of his coffee and standing up from the table.

"You guys really don't have to do that, I don't want to cause any trouble." I said concerned.

" stop this is gonna be just for you, and it's going to be amazing! You don't deserve anything less than perfect!" Asher exclaimed while messing up my hair that took me forever to perfect. As if Warren could sense my irritation, he swatted his hands away and fixed it the best he could while being gentle as possible.

"It's ok I'm sure Macie will want to redo it later." I reassured him while leaning into him. Everyone was filtering out of the kitchen while being too wrapped up in their conversations and planning.

"Please don't let them go too crazy." I mumbled into his chest. I could feel the rumble in his chest as he chuckled.

"And what if I let them do what ever they want? And who appointed me babysitter?" He questioned while slowly dragging his finger tips up and down my back.

"I did, and if you don't can't touch me for a whole week." I said and playfully pushed off his chest so that there was a distance between us.

He smirked leaned in and placed his hands on my hips. "Oh you wouldn't dare." He challenged.

I leaned against my arm that was propped up on the table. " oh I could and would." I teased while furrowing my eye brows and playfully smirked.

He leaned in and I could feel his breath against my ear. "Well, the reaction I got this morning told me other wise."

Right on cue my cheeks tinted a deep red and he chuckled in victory as I threw my head back and groaned. I'm tired of my blush, it never helps in these situations.


"What about this one, it would look so cute on you." Macie said while holding up a bright floral dress.

"Not unless I want to look like my grandma's curtains" I groaned as I was sifting through the few plus size options h the at had available here.

I find it really disappointed that most stores can't seem to get a grip on reality and realize there are some people who wear bigger than a size 4. I was growing more and more impatient the more we looked. That was until we passed a Gorgeous royal blue velvet dress that had a nice fitted corset top.

I loved as soon as I saw and I think Macie did too. Her eyes were wide and she looked befriend me and the dress.

"That's the one, Warren won't be able to keep his hands off of you. You're going to look so sexy!" She exclaimed as she grabbed the dress from the rack and made her way toward the register.

"No I want let you pay for it it's too expensive!" I said while trying to stop her. She simply ignored what I said and went straight for the line which was quickly moving. The whole time waiting I told her no and tried to take the dress back but she was not having it any other way.

" you didn't have to pay for that thank you." I was very greatly for her generosity and it truest made any day.

"It's seriously not a big deal, you are like. Sister I never got, also just think of it like a birthday gift!" She stated in an excited tone.

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