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Warren POV.

I really didn't want to leave her right now especially after what has happened these past few days. But if I don't go today I will most likely lose my job, which I desperately need right now.

Let's just say that I don't come from a lot of money, I never had the fanciest house, or the best clothes, but I always made do with what I had. But one thing that I will always make sure is that my sister has a roof over her head and food in her stomach, no matter the risk. She will not live the childhood I had.

When I was a kid my life consisted of me and my mom hopping from place to place, where ever was the cheapest.  While we were trying to find a home my father was out sleeping with random women, who's' names he will never remember due to the amount of drugs that he was on.

I was brought back to reality by the person behind me repeatedly honking their horn. I hate fucking people so much.

As I pulled up to the front of the tattoo shop I saw that Maggie working with me today. I got out of my car with a deep sigh while mentally preparing myself for today's shift. A ting of annoyance nagged at me, as I walked to the front door and was greeted by Maggie's sickly sweet and flirtatious voice.

"Hey, haven't seen you in a while. Did you miss me?"  She questioned. She batted her eyes and leaned over the front counter while pushing her boobs together to show off her cleavage.  Only if she knew how stupid and desperate she looked right now.

"Hi, and the last time I checked you were pissed at me because I wouldn't sleep with you. So why are you so excited to see me?" I asked in a bored tone while getting my station ready and clocked in.

She slowly made her way around the counter and leaned against the wall next to me. I don't like that the space between us keeps growing smaller, so I grabbed my bag and put it in the back room hoping that she wouldn't follow me, but sadly she was right on my heels.

"Well I have forgiven you, I assumed that you had a bad day. You know we would be perfect together." She said while tracing her hand up my arm. I hated it, I hated the feeling of another woman's hands on my body. My body is only for Franny to touch and explore, no one else's.

"What the hell, it's 9:30 am and you are already all over me. Give it a rest, I told you last time I didn't like you but you didn't listen. Don't forget that I am the head manager and can easily fire you if I wanted." I said in an annoyed tone while ripping my arm out of her grip. Her face grew red with anger with every passing moment.

"Now go put on a real shirt before the customers get here." Is said while leaving the break room and checking when my first booking would be.

I had a ten o'clock, one o'clock, and one for four o'clock. This shouldn't be that bad today considering my one o'clock is a piercing and not a tattoo. Then I was torn from my thoughts by a text from Franny saying that she is going to have to rain check on lunch because Brooks needed her.

Knowing Her she is probably going to his family function that he had today. I know how anxious he gets about being with his family, and rightfully so. So I texted back a quick responses telling her to have fun, and to let me know if she needs anything.

Maybe some time alone away from all of my friends will give me time to comprehend everything and think about what had happened. Franny is one of my top priorities and always will be, but it's hard, with her I want to give her everything that she desires but I also want to do what is best for her. I tried so hard to figure out who hurt her. I won't let it go, I don't want her to feel uncomfortable so soon enough I wail have to take matters into my own hands. No one will ever disrespect or hurt her and get away with it, especially when he took one of the most precut and vulnerable experiences from her. I can't think about it for too long or I will become so overwhelmed with emotions that I can't do anything but sit here and stare.

When I first met her she confused me, she has always had a complex personality that is made up of many different surprises, but those surprises are what made me love her.

She is the one of the shyest people I know, but if you take your time with her she will eventually open up, and trust me it's worth every waking moment. I'm happy that she trusted me enough to see her in her happiest and also her saddest moments.

I know that she thinks that I am the one supporting her and that she truly needs me. But it's not true, she's the strongest person I know, but selfishly my biggest fear is that she will realize that she doesn't need me.

There is something about her that gives me an immense amount of comfort. I feel at home when I'm around her and it's because she is the only stable thing I've had in my life other than my friends.

I have known her for years and never once did she try to abandon me even when she was struggling herself. She always helped my bandage up my wounds and always distracted me from my dark thoughts that swirl in my head at night. I'm just happy she let me repay the favor.

At first I was overwhelmed by shock and surprise when Eli came to me for help out of everyone. I remember the tears streaming down his face as he approached me and the panic swirling deep in his eyes. He was scared for his sister and so was I.

When I got to her room my heart was beating through my chest, horrible thoughts and assumptions were dancing around in my head ably making my worries worse.

But the most heart wrenching and painful thing of that night was when I saw the broken look in her eyes. I finally realized how blindsided by my own problems I was, to the point that I couldn't see that I was losing the person that was the most important to me. In that moment I made a vow to always be there for her no matter what it costs me, because she is my everything.

She is the oxygen that my lungs crave, my favorite smell that I will never grow tired of. She is the most beautiful piece of art I have ever seen.

She is my light in the dark, and I can't afford to lose her no matter what I have to do to keep her. She is my rosebud and I can't wait to see the day where she truly blooms.

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