The strange text

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I love the sunset, especially after rain. I was sitting on the landing on the roof right outside my room staring at the beautifully painted sky. There was a mix of pinks,  yellows,  and oranges that compliment each other perfectly. The colors dance together in the sky as the sun goes down more.

I had been held up in my room the whole day, and it's been a long day. I tried reading but I can't seem to settle my mind enough to understand what's going on. When that didn't work I tried to sleep these endless hours away, but every time I closed my eyes the events of yesterday keep coming back to me. So I have been sitting in my room staring at the wall in silence.

No one tried to talk to me because I think they knew I couldn't right now. I guess I should be thankful that my mother has not tried to drag me to the hospital for a mental check.

I have little desire in me to face any of them right now. The one person I don't want to face after my meltdown is Ren, I never intended on him seeing that. Now all he will see me as is a broken girl. A girl that is stuck in the past and can't seem to move on. I have too much baggage and no one wants that.

I heard the ping of my fob one indicating that I have a new message. I didn't recognize the number but unlocked it to read the message anyway. It said, ' meet me on Carmel street in twenty minutes. Don't ignore this text rosebud, or I will come drag you out of the house.'

I don't know how I never had his number before this, but this was surely a surprise. I wonder I should go I don't want to leave him alone, but also I don't want to talk about anything right now. I know he is just trying to help, and I would feel guilty if I stood him up.

I sighed deeply while climbing through my window. I put on a simple outfit that consisted of a baggy sweatshirt and some shorts. This is the best I could do at the moment, I couldn't care less what I look like, I couldn't be even more embarrassed then last night.


As I was driving down Carmel street I recognized it, this was where Ren took me from the movies. As I got closer to the clearing that we met at I felt butterfly's in my stomach. After driving for a few more minutes I saw his truck parked to the side, and he was leaned against the door with his arms crossed. The sun had went down and all you could see are the tall trees and the stars in the sky.

When he saw me pull in he pushed off the car and started walking toward me, and before I could open the doo he did it for me and held out his hand for support. I shyly grabbed it and ducked my head to get out.

When I stood, my height could not compare to his 6'2 figure. He was waring a pair of grey sweat pants and a simple whit t-shirt that hugged his muscles just the right way. I'm astonished how someone could look so perfect in just sweats.

"Hey rose, it's strange seeing you here." He said in a joking tone before pulling me into a hug. His arms felt so nice and warm around my waist. I stood up on my toes and hugged him around his neck and shoved my face into his neck.

"Yeah I got this strange text from this creep." I said in a sarcastic tone while smiling.

"Well I think that creep had good intentions, and wanted to get you out of that house because he knows you like to isolate yourself." He said while picking me up and carrying me over to his truck.

"I might admit he is right if he puts me down." I swatted at his shoulder and I heard him chuckle. He walked over and placed me in the bed of the truck. When he sat me down I landed on a soft mattress that was covered in blankets and pillows. There was a bowl packed full of all of my favorite snacks.

A little giggle passed my lips with how cute this all was and how he put so much effort into this. I turned to look at him and he was smiling at me but I saw some nervousness swirling in his eyes.

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