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"You know you two could at least try act like your enjoying yourselves." A  deep voice said from behind us. As we both turned from watching the group of stuck up people complain about their rich people problems, we were faced with a familiar face.

Newt was standing there in a light blue button down shirt with a nice grey matching suit over it. He looked put together and a lot nicer than the last time I saw him. Although the last time I saw him he had his hands on me I was fighting back the urge to punch him in the face, and I guess you could say the same for right now.

I tightly fisted my hand to the point where my nails almost broke the skin of my palm. When he grabbed my ass that day I felt disgusted that he touched me in such ways.

My thoughts were cut off by Brooks, " Hey bro what are you doing here?" He asked and gave him a simple bro hug.

"My great aunt is best friends with your grandma and she drug me and my brothers here with her." He explained as I felt his eyes land on me. Oh great there's more, how wonderful.

"Franny, you look ravishing as ever." He said while reaching for my hand, but before he could grab my hand I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Newt" I said in a monotone voice with a nod of acknowledgment. I felt Brooks confused gaze burning into my side, before he excused himself to the restroom. I begged him with my eyes but I'm afraid that he is horrible at reading facial expressions. Newt and I continued to sit in silence for a few minutes before Newts Obnoxious voice drilled into my ears.

"Why the bad mood Franny? it doesn't fit you, but neither do these bruises." He said while tracing around my fading bruises on my cheek. I smacked his hand away from me, but he grabbed my wrist with his other hand and squeezed them tightly.

"Don't touch me, let go now." I said while trying to pull my hands away from his grasp but it did nothing.

When I looked around the room for help I relished that everyone went to the front room for cake and presents. It was just me and Newt with no help, before I could yell for help he took both my hands in his and put his finger I front of my mouth to shush me.

"Shhh, I wouldn't do that if I were you, we wouldn't want anything to happen to this pretty body of yours. right princess?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"Now tell me did Warren cause these. I mean if I knew you liked it rough I would have gave you some ages ago." He whispered into my ear.

"Don't worry about him, the only thing you should be worried about is wether you are going to be able to have kids." I said while bring my knee up hard to his balls, causing him to stumble backs bit. I quickly tried to get from his grasp but he fought my wrist hard and fast.

"You are feisty and I like it. How about we see if there are any bruises under your clothes?" He said while grazing his fingers into the waist band of my pants. Panic started to rise I could feel the breathing picking up again, but before I went into complete shock something made me snap my head toward the door.

"Newt, take your hands off of her if you want to leave this house alive." Brooks said in a venomous voice.

Newt completely froze but still keeps his hands tightly gripping my wrists above my head. His head was slightly turned to see Brooks who was on the opposite side of the room. I peeked over Newts tall shoulders so I could make eye contact with Brooks, who had a gun pointed right at Newts head.

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