Plan of action

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Sometimes when we lose all hope is when we reach a time of great darkness and would become desperate. I have reached that point right now I am sitting here exhausted with red blotches on my cheeks and smeared mascara.

It has been 10 hours since I got the call, and let's just say it has been complete chaos. Never would I have expected this to happen.

Brooks and Alex came over a few hours ago after I called having a full on meltdown.

I looked around the room and everyone looked exhausted, we have been configuring a way to get somehow come to a solution.

"Look we can't just go in there Guns a-blazing. If we do that someone will end up dead." Asher said in response to Max's irrational idea.

"Look we have to do something, why don't I go over there and see what we are really against. I'll be back soon and then we can go from there." Brooks retorted. I could tell he was nervous. Although he tried hiding it the thin sheer layer of sweat above his brow gave him away.

"But what if you get caught, or worse killed." This doesn't seem like something that we should take lightly and sending one of us there defenseless isn't going to help." Alex stressed. But Brooks seemed to be anything but compliant to his wishes. He disappeared into his room leaving us all with worried expressions.

I agreed with Alex but some selfish part of me didn't care what would happen I just need this to end. I know it's a horrible thing to admit but, in times like these is when the ugly truth is revealed.

Don't get me wrong I don't want anyone to be harmed at all, I would trade places with him in a heartbeat. I would sacrifice myself for anyone of them which is why I'm letting their plan play out while I work on my own. No one will sacrifice themselves for this, I won't allow it, I drug them all into this mess and I will get us all out of it.

"I won't be defenseless."Brooks said staring me from my thoughts. I saw him slide a gun into a holster that he had on his hip.

"Since when do you have a gun?!" I asked surprised and shocked.

"Oh please Franny, calm down. There is a lot you don't know about this and right now is not the time to freak out." Brooks said in a short tone. And with that he slammed the door behind him.

We were all left in shock.

"Hey Franny he didn't mean to be..."Asher started. He had his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me. And I appreciate it but right now I don't have time for it. I moved away from his grip and ran my hand through my hair.

" look I appreciate it, but I don't need apologies if you want to help you could give me a ride to my house I need to grab something." I said while trying to be calm as I could be.

If it was in any other situation I wouldn't be so passive but I need to put my own plan into action.

"Oh umm, ok" he agreed in a confused tone.

"Franny, are you ok? I know this is a lot but you seem to be acting different and I want to make sure you are ok" Asher started.

"Are you really asking me that right now?" I said while looking away from the window.

The hurt look on his face made me feel a ping of guilt. I'm treating one of my closest friends horribly.

After a moment of silence I spoke up, " hey I'm sorry. My emotions are all over the place right now and I shouldn't be treating you like this. I'm not good at managing my emotions and I want you to know that I am very thankful to have you by my side through this." I said with tears in my eyes.

"No don't cry, ok. It'll be ok. I promise. I hate to see you cry." He grabbed my hand and gave it a tight squeeze. His thumb rubbed a comforting circles on my hand in an attempt to calm me down.

We drove to my house in silence, he would give me a comforting smile every once in a while. He really has been my rock to keep me grounded through all of this.

Once we were parked in the drive way I noticed that my mom was home and that would be a struggle in its self. As I was about to get out I felt Asher lay his hand on my shoulder to get me to halt my actions.

"This whole situation is kind of crazy and I want you to know I'm here, and I always will be. Also I don't know how this is going to end and I want to tell you something just in case something goes wrong and I can't tell you after." He said in a calm but nervous tone.

I nodded and hummed in a way to let him know I was listening. But right as he was about to tell me my phone pinged.

It was a text from Alex saying that they need Asher back at the house and to tell him to get back. His phone must be dead.

"I'm sorry, this seems urgent, they need you back at your place." I tell him showing him the text.

He nodded in understanding but he looked defeated. "Your gonna tell me when this is all over ok?" I said in reassurance.

He gave me a small smile and mumbled a small "sure."

After that I entered the house ready to get things moving but first thing I have to get past my mother.


A.N~ I am sorry for the long wait and sorry this chapter is kinda short there is a lot of exciting things coming up in the book!!

Hope you like it let me know what you think :)

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