Dare or Dare

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"How could you!! I thought you loved me". Brooks Said while putting a hand over his heart.
"I do but it was you or me" I said laying my hand on his shoulder.
"You guys are too dramatic honestly get a grip" Abigail said while rolling her eyes with a little chuckle.
I laid down a draw two cards and gave him a little smile. He looked at me shocked, " I hate sitting next to you when we play this" he said crossing his arms acting grumpy. "I can't help that this game is cutthroat, it's either kill or be killed" I said to him. Macie was laughing and looking at me like I was crazy.

I went over to her house and apologized to her for being distant. I told her what happened, and she understood. I explained how I felt, and she profusely apologized to me. I told her it was not her fault I was just blinded by the trauma of that night. Ever since that day she and I have hung out.

"What are you laughing at? You are just as competitive as I am" I said while pointing at her.
"All this game does is cause fights in their house" Alex said while throwing his cards in the middle and everyone followed his lead.
"So, what do you suppose we do?" Max said while leaning back in his chair. Macie locked eyes with me and gave me a playful smirk. I knew she was up to no good when she did that. "How about a game of dare or dare but in teams" she said looking around the table. Everyone nodded with smiles on their faces but me, I sat there and groaned whit resting my head on the back of my chair.

" Leave me out, I hate that game," I said. Every time I play that game, I have to do something embarrassing, and no one lets me live it down.
"Pretty please we won't make you do anything too embarrassing". Alex said with his head tilted and folded his hands in a begging way.
"Uggg fine I guess" I said while sitting up in my chair. We all split into groups. Macie, Warren, and Max are in the first group. Then it's Abby, Asher, and Eli. That leaves Me, Alex, and Brooks in the last group. We were all sitting in our groups in a circle on the floor. Max leaned in and spun the bottle the hardest he could. It gradually started to slow down and just by luck it slowed down and landed on our group. Their group huddled up and were talking in hushed voices. They all turned around at the same time. "We dare you to Jump in the pool right now" Ren said with a smirk looking at me. I glared at him and gave him the finger.

We all stood up and just as I was about to make a break for it Brooks grabbed the back of my shirt. "Not so fast, if I have to do this so do you". I groaned as we made our way to the pool. I waited for the boys to remove their shirts and shorts, meaning they were in boxers. I decided to stay in my clothes because that would just be embarrassing.

We stood in a line on the side of the pool, we joined hands. "Ready?!" Alex asked and we both nodded and cannonballed into the deep end. As I resurfaced, I made sure to push back my hair, so I didn't look like a drowned rat. We all swam around a little and then got out. Everyone was laughing and we were handed a towel. I Lifted my hand my hands to dry my hair. But suddenly, the towel was ripped from my hands, and I felt it wrapped around me by strong arms.

I looked up at Ren with a confused look. "As much as I enjoyed the view, we don't want to give everyone a free show" he said with a cheeky smile on his face. I pulled the towel away to realize that my white shirt turned see through from the water. To make the situation even better I didn't have a bra on. I pulled the towel close to my chest and looked up at him with a mortified look.

"Are you guys coming" Eli said from the door. I ran upstairs, changed my clothes, and threw my wet hair in a messy bun. When I went downstairs, I saw everyone sitting around the table. I locked eyes with Ren, and I felt a blush creeping up to my cheeks. I mouthed thank you and he saluted my way with the most gorgeous smile.


After a few hours playing Abby was dared to kiss Max and Macie was dared to kiss my brother and it was the best thing I have ever experienced. Someone kill me now. Halfway through the game Warren had to switch places with Brooks because he and Asher kept bickering.

Macie spun the bottle, and it landed on us. She sat up and cleared her throat. "I dare you three to get two tattoos each". My eyes bulged out of my head and then all three of us looked at each other.
Alex snorted "like I have money for that, and I know Franny has like one dollar". I shot him a glare quickly before focusing on the conversation.

Asher smirked "who said anything about paying I know someone who can get you guys in". He said while looking at Warren.
I laughed "you're kidding, right?" I asked scared out of my mind. Everyone ignored my protests and carried on with the conversation. "I completely forgot that you worked at the tattoo shop" Alex said high-fiving Warren.
"Yeah, I have just recently been promoted to head artist" Warren said with an awkward smile.

We were all sitting around in the waiting area for Warren's friend to show up. Everyone was laughing and talking while I was shitting bricks. Like those who thought this would be a good idea. I heard the bell ding on the door. A guy dressed in a t shirt and ripped jeans walked in, he had tattoos all over him. He looked at all of us and gave us a wave. I will admit that he is good looking, but I would never go there.

"So, who is getting the tattoos" he asked. Alex and Ren raised their hands and I slowly raised mine.

"Really, ok" he said staring at me. As we were choosing our designs, he kept looking at me. None of the ones in the case really caught my eye.

"Is there any way that I can draw something up really quick, and I get that?" I asked the guy who looked skeptical.

"That should be fine". Warren said going in the back to get his station ready because he will be tattooing one of us.

Once ready I waited for them to be ready. I felt like eyes were drilling into the back of me. I looked over my shoulder to see the archer artist looking at me. This made me uncomfortable, and I think Warren saw this.

"Franny come on I'll take you back here". Warren said while sharing the guy down. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the vein on his neck popped out which told me he was mad.

He followed me in and gave me a smile. I think he is a little bipolar. "Ok, can I see what you designed". He said while rubbing his hands together. I smiled and laid out the designs.

"I want the pinkie promise on my wrist and can I get the rose on my collar bone". I spoke.

"Woah these are really good, and of course I can do that for your rosebud" he said and looked up from the designs. "Thanks, the pinkie promise is matching with the one Alex is getting." I said looking back up at him. "You know this is weird, never in a million years did I think I would tattoo Francesca Rose Hamilton" he said in an amazed tone. "Well maybe I like surprising people. Did I surprise you Warren Anthony Holloway?" I said with a smirk playing on my lips. " There isn't a day that goes by where you don't surprise me". He said, looking me in the eyes.

Warren offered me his hand and I hopped up on the seat. "You do know a hoodie is not the ideal thing to wear when you are getting a tattoo on your collar bone" Ren said while putting on his gloves. " It's not like I planned this" I said in an irritated voice. I asked him to turn his back towards me and I quickly slid my hoodie off. I wrapped it around so that it was covering everything from the armpit down.

"Not like I haven't seen it before" he murmured under his breath; I know he was referring to earlier. Just thinking back at it makes me mortified.

"You can turn around now" I said. He turned around and reached for his glasses and sat down on the stool next to me. " You ready?" he said after prepping the skin and placing the stencil. I nodded without hesitation wanting to get this over with.

Alex's tattoos


Warrens tattoos

I hope you all liked this chapter!!! Let me know what you think. 

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