Piece of art

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After I sat in warren's arms for a little while. We both went back to the movie without saying anything to each other.

Now we were on our way back to the house and we were all sitting in silence. All you could hear was the hum of my car and the soft murmur of music coming from the radio.
It's a weird thing, it can be brought by any type of emotion or situation. It can be awkward, eerie, happy, sad, confusing, or comfortable.

I always liked silence because I find that it is hell of a lot better at comforting me than anyone else on this earth. I think Warren knew this, and that is why our relationship revolves around it. We both find comfort in the silence together.

Once I parked my car everyone hopped out but Warren. I looked at him in the mirror and he stared back with his striking eyes. Then he slid out of the back seat, and I stared forward looking out in the distance.

Then my door was opened by Warren. He reached over to me, unbuckled my seatbelt, took my hands, and guided me out of the car. He led me over to his truck and opened the door. I scrunched my eyebrows and looked at him in confusion. "What..." I started to ask but he cut me off. "You'll see" is all he said and gestured for me to get in.

"Look Ren I really appreciate the gesture, but I'm not some damsel in distress that you need to save." I said trying not to sound too bitchy.

"I don't think you are. just get in." He said in a calm tone.

"What's going on with you, I mean one second you are being a jerk but then you are being sweet. You are seriously giving me whiplash with these mood swings." I exclaimed. I was tired of the bullshit.

"Ill explain just get in the car." 

I stood there with and crossed arms getting ready to turn around and march right into the house. 

before I even had a chance to turn back around he spoke up, "I'm not joking come here and get in the car. If you try to go into that house I will carry you back out here." he warned.

I continued moving towards the house, "yeah, ok" I teased in a sarcastic tone. there is no way he would actually do it. 

Just as I was about the make my way up the stairs I felt warm arms wrap around my waist. That alone caused me to swat at his arms. 

"PUT ME DOWN!!" I exclaimed to which in return I received a soft chuckle. I felt the soft vibration of his chest that was placed against my back. My annoyance surfaced as he plopped me in the seat of the truck.

While I took a moment to gather myself I felt him reach over and buckle my seatbelt. As he reached over my awkwardly seated body the distance between us seemed to vanish and the only thing that my body could sense was him. I could smell his cologne, I could hear the intake of the air as he realized how close we actually were. I could feel his body heat radiate off of him and seep through the layers of my clothes.  My eyes were completely entranced by the man that was leaned over my body, he was the only thing that I was interested in seeing. 

With out a word clicked the seatbelt in place but before he could pull away his eyes met mine. Although it was only for a second, it felt as if the whole world was at a time still. 

Snapping out of the hypnotic state I always find myself in whenever I around him, I felt frustration toward myself and him. I don't like the effect that he has on me, but at the same time I do. It's addictive, I feel as if I have found the true feeling of euphoria when he is around.  

He offered me a small smile and I caved he's too good looking for his own good.
Before he could close the door, I grabbed onto his arm to stop him.

Why do you insist on doing things like this, I don't like being touched." I defended myself as much as I like it he doesn't need to know that. He has a big enough of and ego.  

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