Chinese food

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When I finally made it back to the guys apartment, it was quiet when I walked in. This is odd there is almost someone yelling around here. My first instinct was to go to Warren's room.

I was welcomed to the familiar smell of his cologne. It comforted me to be in here, but the only thing that was miss big was Warren. I hadn't seen him since yesterday morning, I didn't want to seem to desperate so I strategically planned out a text.

'Hey, I'm sleeping over tonight, I'll see you when you get home!! :)'

After I shot him a text I decided maybe I would take a shower. I sifted through the clothes I brought and found a pair of sweat shorts and a big t shirt.

I went into the bathroom and turned on the hot water and got undressed. His bathroom was a good size but it wasn't huge. I looked out the little window that peeked out over the city. It was beautiful at night and created such a calming vibe.

When I got in the shower I realize the only soap I would have is his, so I lathered up the clean wash cloth I grabbed from the cabinet.

The smell of his body wash surrounded me and overwhelmed my senses. It reminded me of the morning of my birthday and the morning that we spent in here.

It was as if I could feel his general touch that along my hips and the light bite on my thighs. His touch alone was so intoxicating and I found myself imitating the small strokes, the touching, the pleasure. It was almost like the hot steamy water was adding fuel to the fire.

My hand traveled in between my legs without a hesitation. If he wasn't here to pleasure me I would do the next best thing.

My fingers slipped between and found my clit. I quickly started moving my finger back and forth gradually picking up the pace.

I remember the way his tongue felt exploring me down there. I grew needy and inpatient for a release the more I imagined the feeling of him. Then I slid one finger inside myself, I let out a hum of excitement and continued pumping in and out and then I added another finger only increasing the feeling that was growing inside me.

I was greedy for more, I didn't crave it. No, I needed more. I kept a steady pace and buckled my hips.

I finally felt myself reach climax, it felt like pure bliss. I imagined what it would be like to have him inside me, the way he would feel.  His name slipped from my lips, it came out as a breathy moan.

As the feeling started to die down I continued to work my fingers until I was done, and propped up on my elbows on the floor of the shower. It was so steamy that I could barely see anything right in front if me.

The deep steam was not helpful with trying to catch my breath, but eventually it resorted back to normal.

After I felt like my legs weren't like jello anymore I gained my balance and continued my shower with a cheeky smile on my face.


When I was done I went back into his room and grabbed my phone off of the bed and plopped down.

I still hadn't received a text back and I was starting to get concerned, I know I'm may sound crazy but he is normally good about texting me back.

I went to send him another text to ask if he was alright. I saw the little set of three bubbles come up on his side of the conversation, indicating that he saw my text and is responding. But after a few seconds the bubbles disappeared and I never received a text.

Maybe I am annoying him, I decided to leave him alone and let him enjoy his time with his mom and sister. I know they are his number one priority and I don't want to get in the way of that, I know my place and I will stay in it.

I decided to turn off my phone and make my way into the kitchen. I didn't end up eating earlier before I stormed off from dinner. My stomach growled in anticipation, I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and was starting to feel sick.

I padded dow  the hallway and rounded the corner only to be met with Max and Asher in the kitchen arguing about something.

"What are you two fighting about?" I question.  Orb of them whipped there heads to the side in surprise and, and I just gave them a small awkward smile.

"Oh hey Fanny, I thought I heard something in Warren's room.

"Do you want to eat with us we were just trying to decide wether we should do Chinese or Mexican take out. Any preference?" Max asked while going to the fridge and grabbing a beer. He twisted off the cap and leaned against the counter.

"Hmmm, I vote Chinese, Can we get crab Rangoon?" I question in excitement.

Max sighed and Asher smiled and and started to laugh at Max's reaction. Now I know who wanted what.

I felt bad for Max he looked tired after his day at work, he has a job at an auto repair shop, and was there all day. He had grease all over him and his hair was messy.

"How about since we are getting Asher's choice for dinner, I will make your favorite cookies." I offered and I saw his eyes light up almost like he came back to life a little bit.

"Yes!! You are the best!" He exclaimed while trying to pull me into a hug and I trued to pry him off a cause he was covered with sweat and oil.

"Eww, you need a shower before we eat anything, how about we make the cookies and you go wash up." I suggested in a not so joking voice.

He put his hands up in surrender and backed away and turned to disappear the dark hallway.

I turned to Asher see if he was ready to start, but he was already at the sink washing his hands.


"So how's school going, have you met any special girl up there?" I asked as we were rolling the cookies into balls and placing them on the cookie sheet.

He shrugged but remained quiet. His cheeks turned red and I could see a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"I see you blushing!! So there is someone? What is she like?" I question while bumping him with my hip in a reading way. He let out a quiet chuckle.

"Well, she is very shy when I first met her, but she ended up breaking out of her shell. She has the prettiest blue eyes, it's almost like they put me in a trance every time I look into them." He explained and I could hear the adoration in his tone he was smitten for sure.

"She is so nice and is quite feisty when you mess with her, but I love seeing that side of her so I tease her. I could sit and listen to her ramble on and on about a romance novel for hours, I love the way she lights up because she is so invested in them. But she really is something special, she is one of those people you only come upon when you need them the most." He explained.
I hummed and placed the cookies in the oven.

"Well she sounds very special and sounds like we would get along I can't wait to meet her. Are you ever going to bring her home to meet everyone?" I ask, as I get to cleaning up the ingredients.

He picked up the dirty dishes and put them in the sink. "I never said she was from the college, but maybe one day I will let you know who she is." He said, why must he annoy me, he knows how nosey I am and yet he hold back on the most crucial information.

I turned to look at him but he was already looking at me, with a look that I didn't recognize.

Before I could respond the doorbell rang and he cleared his throat and stated that he would get it.

I wonder who this girl is?
Have I met her before?
Did we go to the same high school?

I have so many questions but he won't answer, typical Asher.

He returned with the bags of Indian food and placed them on the table.

As if on queue Max walked in, with wet hair and in a pare of sweats and a tank top.

"Now who's ready to get this party started!?"


AN. I thought I would give you guys two updates!! I hope you enjoy and please comment and like!!

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