Late night visits

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I woke up from a deep sleep confused about where I was. I looked around and realized that I was in my room, and next to me was Alex fast asleep curled up in all the blankets. We must have fallen asleep during the movie.

I was cold and about to rip the blankets off him, I heard a tapping. I finally pinpointed where the sound was coming from after looking around my room. It was the window; I was scared so I slowly climbed off the bed and made my way to the window and gently pulled back my curtains.

I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand. The sight in front of me made me want to break down in tears. Hunched down on the landing outside my bedroom window was Warren. From what I could see he had busted knuckles and a cut on his arm that was bleeding through his shirt.

As I opened the window a cool breeze hit my face. He looked at me and the hood was covering most of his face, but I could see his bright green eyes glazed over in tears. "Hey rose bud". He said in a whisper and a crack in his voice.

I quietly helped him through the window, careful not to hurt him any more than he was. I carefully led him to my bathroom, and he sat on the counter next to the sink.

He sat with his head down and the hood covering his face. I went straight for the medicine cupboard and got what I needed. I slowly reached up and removed his hood and put my finger below his chin to lift his head.

His face was littered with bruises, and he had a busted lip. I brought my hand up to move some small strands of hair from his eyes. This revealed a long gash along his eyebrow. I looked down and noticed that his glassy eyes were trailed on me. As soon as I looked him in the eye his lip started to wobble, and I pulled him into a tight hug. He fisted the back of my shirt with his hands, and I felt his tears on my shoulder.

We let go and I was standing between his dangling legs trying to get a closer look at his injuries. Once I examined it close enough, I quickly got to work. The whole time I was cleaning the cuts on his face he was staring at me examining my face.

Who could do this to him, the only person I could think of was his father. I wasn't going to ask him a bunch of questions, especially not tonight.

Once I was done with his face I moved to his knuckles and arm. I washed them, spread a thick layer of medicine, and bandaged them tight.

"Shit, you have my blood all over your hands." He took the wet rag I hadn't used yet and wiped his blood off my hands. He wiped slowly and made sure he got everything.

"Sorry" he tiredly muttered as he tossed the used rag on the sink next to us.

"No problem at all." I insisted.

While I was still holding his hand, I lifted it to my lips and placed a soft kiss on the bandage. Then I stood on tip toes, leaned closer, and kissed his eyebrow and cheekbone. We stared at each other with tears in our eyes.

My breath hitched as his rough calloused hand cupped my cheek. My warm cheeks reddened at the close contact. But his red rimed eyes bought my glassy ones, I couldn't look away almost as if there was a magnetic pull that I couldn't fight. Then he looked to my lips. With anticipation I tucked my bottom lip between my teeth.

As soon as I stupidly started munching on my lip like a rabid animal he started to click his tongue in response.

He leaned close to me using his thumb to gently pull at my tucked away lip.

My breath caught in my throat as he slowly drug his thumb along the bottom curve of my mouth.
And soon I was drawn to the feeling of his warm lips pressed to the side of my cheek.

He lingered there as I felt the slight drag of his soft damp lips as they moved slower to my ear.

His warm breath fanned across my stray hairs that were misplaced from the sleep I was just awoken from.

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