Wet dreams

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"Ok what is one thing about me that turns you on?"

He sat there for a minute thinking, "there are so many it's hard to choose." He explained with a raspy voice. I could see the lust swirling in his eyes, he was ready to devour me and I was ready for it to happen.

"Maybe it's the way you trace my tattoos with those talented fingers?" He said while dragging his lips across the tattoos on my collar bone. I felt his teeth lightly graze my skin, and then he lightly nip my skin. This caused me to heavy my breathing, it was hard to not give into every desire of my body.

"Or maybe it's how you react when my hand fits perfectly around your pretty little neck." He wrapped his long fingers around the base of my neck and gave  it a light squeeze.

I felt the need between my legs grow more and more by the minute. I couldn't handle it so I slowly started to grind against his thigh that I was sitting on.

"Warren, please!" I moaned out loud, probably loud enough for everyone to hear.

He removed his hand from around my throat and shoved his thumb into my mouth to stop my moaning. As soon as I felt his thumb enter my mouth I started to suck and lick it, which caused Rens eyes to darken with hunger.

He leaned in close to my ear and whispered, " Those sexy moans are only for me to hear." He bit the bottom of my ear which caused me to rock back and forth even harder, I could feel how wet I was and I was probably making a mess.

He let out a groan, " oh, you have no idea what you do to me rosebud." I moaned against his thumb which he shoved deeper into my mouth. I felt the throbbing become stronger and I knew I was about to climax.

"I know you like that princess. I can feel you pulsing with every hump. Look at you, my dirty baby pleasuring herself." He said between leaving teasing kisses on the tops of my breast.
I felt the ball of nerves in me feel like it was about to unravel and leave me in complete ecstasy. But before I could reach my high Warren placed his hands on my hips and held me in place. My eyebrows drew together in desperation.

"Please I need to cum, please make me cum." I begged while moaning when I felt his hand travel up my thigh and push my panties to the side.

"Be a good girl and take off my pants for me." He said between deep raspy breaths. My hand quickly went to his belt buckle and in did and then started on the pants.

When I slid them down his long member flipped up telling me how excited he was. I love that I have this affect on him. I griped it and started rubbing up and down. Ren threw his head back in pleasure, he drew in a sharp breath with his teeth clenched. "Oh fuck baby" he breathlessly moaned.

He flipped us over before I could bring my mouth down to his dick. He slammed me down on my back and he was hovering over me. I quickly removed my pants and underwear.

"You ready? He asked while positioning himself at my entrance. "Mhhh" I hummed in agreement before I felt his slam into me causing me to gasp in pleasure. I felt whole with him inside me.

Warren grunted into my ear and started thrusting hard and fast. My nails were dug deep into the skin of his back, as I drug them down the faster Ren went. I moaned his name out, like my life depended on it.

"That's my girl. Good girl." He said between thrusts.

His mouth was kissing the sensitive part of my neck while his hands were lightly teasing my nipples. I felt as if I was about to reach a high that I couldn't come down from. I have never heard something as heavenly than him moaning my name.

He had a strong hold over me but I knew I had a stronger one over him. We were each others to enjoy and pleasure. Overwhelmed by my emotions I took ahold of his head and placed a hungry kiss on his plump lips.

He hummed in delight as I bit down on his bottom lip. The need in me grew to be overwhelming. I need a release, I was on the edge getting ready to let loose.

"I'm gonna cum" I said while pulling away from the kiss. He looked at me in love and desire, "don't you dare just a little longer." His breathing was fanning across my face as he picked up his pace.

I let out a whimper, wanting nothing more than satisfaction. "Cum with me rose bud" Warren said before collapsing on me. I released and was it felt like pure bliss.


I woke up with the familiar feeling between my legs. I don't understand how a dream could be so vivid yet unreal. I looked to the other side of the bed to see Warren passed out. He was on his side with his strong arm around me.

I love the way he always holds me when I sleep in the same bed as him. It brings me comfort, because it almost feels like he is protecting me from all of my terrible nightmares.

I lightly drag my finger over the cursive letters on chest. His tattoos are one part of him that I will always find so attractive.

I continued to trace my finger over his endless amounts of tattoos, but once I got to his back I couldn't help but blush. I felt the contour of his muscles, the same ones that I dug my nails into as he pleased me.

The more I think about it the more horny I get and I can't not with him in this bed right next to me. I need to calm down right now.

I know I should feel ashamed that I had that dream, but I can't help but like it. Yes I have had dreams like it before, but never with anyone I know let alone someone I'm close with as I am with Ren. I might be getting a little too comfortable.

I thought for a few minutes until I decided that I should go make breakfast so that I can take my mind off of my wet dream.  I turned over in the bed only to be faced with a peacefully sleeping Ren. I know it's creepy but I like watching him sleep. I never get to see him look so peaceful and calm.

What hung him like this could make all of my anxieties go away. There is something so comforting knowing that he trusts me with being with him in such a vulnerable state.


I placed the last piece of French toast in the pan and waited for it to cook. Although this isn't my favorite breakfast food, I know it's the boys. It's the least I could do to pay them back for how much they have helped me.

I know they will be so excited that I made whipped cream too. Yes they are grown ass men, but they are children at heart. I think that's why we all get along so well.

I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist from behind me. I looked down at the hands that were barely tucked into the waist band of my shorts. Little did he know that such a little act could send my mind on a whole spew of dirty thoughts.

I don't know what's wrong with me I need to get myself in check.

"Morning, how'd you sleep rosey?" He asked while mumbling tiredly into my hair. I giggled at the new version of my nickname, I like it. I like this. I like us, a lot.

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