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Warren POV
13hrs earlier.

After my Father left after much persuading from me, I decided to pick my sister up from dance practice.

I haven't seen her in what seems like forever. Growing up she was always my little shadow. Lexi is still in high school, she is a few years younger than Franny.

I'm surprised they have never met before. But that will change soon, I know that would get along, they have many things in common.

When I got to the dance studio I walked through the door to see, the brown haired girl gracefully moving about the room.

She held herself with such strength, it was almost like when she is dancing is when she is most confident.

As she was getting ready to do a turn I grabbed her hand and trailed her into a hug.

She turned rigid for a moment but as soon as she realized who I was she softened I to the hug. When she pulled away she swatted at me.

"You scared me, I didn't know you were picking me up" she said through a few deep breaths.

"Hey I can always leave you here!" I said in a teasing tone as i playfully turned around as if I was going to leave her.

"Nope not so fast you are my rude and I'm not walking home." She said as she ran to her bag to collect her bag and her shoes.

When we made it to the car we sat in silence for a little while before I spoke up. "It's been a little while how's everything been? Anything new?" I ask interested in what she would tell me.

"Umm, I got a job at the ice cream place down the street it pays well. I start in like a week."she said with excitement.

"A job? I can't believe you are old enough to get a job that's crazy. Are you excited to have money for yourself?" I remember getting my first job the sense of independence is unmatched.

"Not really, pretty soon that money will be shoved toward the bill sense we will have another mouth to feed." She said in a nonchalant way. I raised my eye brows in question, it's only her and my mom.

"What do you mean another mouth to feed. If it's dad trying to mooch off of you guys I will put him in his place. I said in a stern tone as if to show her that I'm capable of dealing with our father.

Her eyes were wide with surprise, she looked shocked and I sat there confused until she spoke up.

"She didn't tell you I can't believe it!" She said while holding her head in her hands.

"Hey what's wrong? Who didn't tell me what?" I asked while I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Mom is pregnant" she whispered out as if she was scared to tell me. I slammed on my brakes. I must have misheard her. There is no way what she said is true.

My mom pregnant? Another child to feed and raise. What is she thinking?

"Are you ok you have been staring at me for like five miners now and it's freaking me out.? You need to get it together." After I didn't respond for another minute she hit me in the back of the head.

"I know it's a shock but my god get it together." She sassed which earned a glare from me. I got back to driving and continued the conversation. I still can't believe she is pregnant. I have so many questions.

"Who's kid is it." I asked frantically looking between Lexie and the road.

"Well here's a surprise to us all!! It's not dads!" She racked excitement which earned her a stern look from me. Right now is not the time for joking. I'm going to have to save up this is not a good time.

"It's some guy she works with. But dad can't know he will go bat shit crazy and kill us all." She said before she went to texting someone on her phone.

When she says he would go crazy she is not exaggerating, he is mentally unstable. I'm going to have to pick up some extra shifts. What am I going to do when I go back to school?

"So anything new for you, any girls?"she asks as she sets her phone down and gives me her full attention.

"Actually yes. You will love her. Her name is Franny and she is the sweetest person I know." I said thinking back to all the moments I share with my beautiful girl.

"Well I'm glad you found some one."she said in a genuine tone.


As we walked up to the door of the apartment all I could hear was screaming and glass breaking. I turned to my sister and I told her to go to the vacant apartment next door.

"Do not open that door for anyone else but me got it." I commanded in a stern tone.

Once she was safely ln the apartment I heard the deadbolt lock and I made my way inside the apartment. I was welcomed with the most unexacting scene ever.

There stood my father, Newt, and Gabe Cole. They ransacked the apartment, at the moment I'm very great full that my mom picked up that extra shift or this situation could have been way worse.

"What the hell is going on here." I asked in a gruff tone. All of their heads snapped in my direction, all looking at me with a smug look.

"There he is, just who I was looking for." My dad says as he sets his half empty beer bottle.

"What are they doing here?" I question, I was heavily confused about the presence of the two standing next to him.

He moved over to the couch and plopped down and put his feet up on the coffee table.

"Well you see we are in a little but of a predicament. My dealer is short $20,000 and if we don't get it to him than it's not going to end well." He vaguely explained.

"There is no 'we' here. It's you. Your problem." I insisted in a pissed off tone.

"No that is not true, a little buddy told me that your girls family is pretty well off. So I'm gonna need you to get that money for me." He talks complete nonsense the whole time.

I let out a bitter laugh, ". I don't fucking understand. First off you will never, and I mean never mention my girlfriend again. Second I don't have to do anything for you." I said through clenched teeth. They all seemed so calm but I was any thing but calm.

"And what the Hell are they doing here? What can't find any deadbeats your own age?" I question as I moved further. My father got up off the couch and walked over to me and slung his arm over my shoulder.

"Well, this is long overdue but Warren, meet your brothers. This is Gabe and Newt."

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