Birthday morning shenanigans

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A.N ~ I made a few changes at the end of the last chapter, make sure you read it!!

I woke up to a heavy arm being slung over me. At first I was confused but soon realized it was just Warren. I felt a soft peck placed on my collar bone. The warm sensation of his lips sent a pleasurable shock down my spine. He then slowly started to drag his lips softly up my neck, the light grazing caused me to let out a breathy giggle. I felt him smile against my skin as he placed more and more kisses all over my face and neck. Right before finishing he gently placed a soft tender kiss on my lips.

"There we go 18 kisses for the birthday girl. One for every year on this earth. Happy birthday sweet girl!!" Warren said while smiling and brushing my wild curls from my face. I smiled up at him while a deep blush formed across my cheeks.

"I must admit, I quite enjoy this way of waking me up." I said before placing my hand in the back of his neck and drawing him closer to me. I placed my lips softly on his. It was a soft and tender kiss. I felt his hands travel down my side and down to my hip.

Before things could get too heated I pulled back and pressed my forehead to his while we both caught our breath.
"I got to go take a shower it won't take that long." I said while peeling the blanket off of me. I cringed as the cold air hit my bare legs.

"You know I could join.... Only if you want?" Warren said, which caused me to turn around and look over at him in surprise , only to find him staring at my legs. The sleep shirt I fell asleep in rode up in my sleep, giving him a perfect view of my very bare legs, and my revealing panties.

A blush grew up my neck as I shimmied down the shirt. "You do remember that I have seen this beautiful body in less right." He said before positioning himself so that he was sitting on the side of the bed right in front of me. He grabbed the back of my thighs and pulled me closer so that I was now standing between his legs and his face was right in front of me abdomen.

I don't know how a person could be so perfect.

"Well I still get embarrassed, you know that. I'm starting to think you like to see me flustered." I said in a strained, breathy voice. I feel like if I talk any louder it might ruin the moment.

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about princess." He said while slowly dragging his hand up my body under my night shirt. The whole time he was looking up at me with a lustful look which his eyes peering deep into mine.

"Seriously I don't want you worry about that anymore. Not if you are with me." He mumbled in a consuming deep voice.

Before I could respond I felt his grip my bare waist tighten.

"Don't get me wrong you are always gorgeous, but there is something so addicting about your bare body. The feeling of it against mine. The perfect curves that my eyes could watch for hours." If I wasn't wet earlier I defiantly am now.

"I.. Umm.. I have to sho-" I was interrupted by the gasp that broke through my lips as I felt his warm hands slowly graze over the swell of my breast. I closed my eyes taking in the riveting feeling.

Then I felt his hand retract lower down my body and made it's way to the hem of my sleep shirt.

"Rose bud?" He said while looking up at me, asking for permission. My mind is too foggy to even form a sentence, so I just slowly nod. He grabbed my waist and placed me on his lap, we were now face to face. He slowly slid up the shirt while leaving a trail of goosebumps where his eyes traveled.

I have never felt so willing to expose my body in front of someone, let alone a man. But Ren is special, he is different than anyone I have ever met. He has seen me at my worse and never judged me so there is no reason to believe he would now.

I was torn from my thoughts by the cold air hitting the bottom of my breast. Slowly I felt the shirt be pushed upwards and I helped Ren get it over my head. The shirt was discarded somewhere on the floor, and there I stood practically naked I front of my Warren.

His eyes seemed dazed over as the traveled over all the exposed areas of my body. His lips were slightly parted, they were so close to my skin that I could feel his hot skin fan across my stomach.

"Fuck" is all I heard from under his breath. I couldn't help but place my hand in his gorgeous hair. I gave it a light tug making him let out a little groan.

This is it the moment I Know that I'm truly love this man, more than I have ever loved anyone in my life. I've never been so drawn to someone other than him he hypnotizes me.

"How about that shower?" I asked while taking ahold of his big hand and pulled toward his conjoined bathroom. I could feel his eyes on me the whole time and that's what I wanted.

After yesterday I have found some undiscovered confidence, and I plan on acting on it.

"Are you sure, because we don't have to" Ren said as we reached the bathroom. Without saying anything I went to the shower and turned it to the hottest setting.

I faced him and without saying anything pressed my bare chest to his and joined out lips in a loving passionate kiss. After a little while we pulled apart and he looked me in my eyes.

He held me by my bare waist and slowly walked us backwards until my back was flush with the shower wall. The steam was dancing through the air making it so all I could see was him. He slowly reached down and removed his shorts and boxers.

I was left shocked I knew he was going to be big but not that big. Once I realized that I was staring I deeply blushed and buried my head into his chest.

I felt the deep vibration in his chest as he giggled at my childish embarrassment.
"Don't be embarrassed to look, this is only yours to look at." He said which caused the blush to grow deeper, but instead of cowering away I leaned up and placed a kiss on his lips.

His soft plump ones danced with mine creating a perfect harmony. He gradually made his way down my neck and further down until he reached the top of my chest.

His large hand lightly yet firmly cupped my right boob while the other was being explored by his mouth.

He lightly took my nipple between his teeth and gently pressed down. Never in my life have I felt such a sensation by some one, and I loved it. I tried my best to hold in my moans as he played with my nipples and was massaging the swell of my breast. My hands were buried deep in his soaked curls. I let out a moan after trying my hardest to hold it back.

"Don't hold back your pretty moans. How will I know if I'm pleasing you?" He said before placing a kiss in the valley between my breasts. Then out of nowhere he tightly punched my nipples and I let out a breathy moan.

After a few minutes he started to leave a trail of kisses down my stomach down to the wait band of my panties.

There was a light pause and I felt a pause in the sweet kisses. I looked down to see him on his knees in front of me with two finger in the waist band of my soaked panties. All I did was nod and that was all he needed before slowly sliding them down my legs.


A.N~ I am so so so sorry for not posting in a long while. I have been so busy with school but I hope this chapter will make up for it!!!

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