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"No, Thats not how you do it let me do it."

"Will you guys shut up I can't take it, she's already shaken up enough." Brooks whisper yelled at the boys. I was walking down the hallway towards the kitchen.

"You guys know that I can hear you right?" I asked while walking in and leaning bf on the door way. They all snapped their heads in my direction with wide eyes. I giggled at the three different boys. Asher and Max were standing by the table fighting over silverware, and Brooks was sitting on the counter with a bored expression.

"So what's the argument over?" I giggled while picking off of the door way. I made my way over to the bowl of salad and picked a cherry tomato off the top, and popped it in my mouth.

"Dumb and dumber are fighting over who can toss the salad correctly." He explained with an eye roll. I sighed and took the utensils out of the boys hands before tossing the salad, so that they would calm down.

"Where is Warren, wasn't he with you?" Asher asked and Max snickered behind him.  Brooks just smacked him in the back of the head.

"He's in the bathroom. I'm sorry but what is so funny?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well considering, your crazy hair, and that these walls are paper thin, we know what you guys were up to." Asher said with a smirk. Instantly the blush on my cheeks grew and my eyes widened in shock, this is mortifying.

"Oh my god, stop." I said through my hand I clamped over my mouth.

"I was wondering when he was going to lose it, I'm not surprised he caved for you." Max said while laughing to himself. I was confused lose what? What are they talking about?

Before I could ask I heard Brooks and Asher scold him. "Lose what?" I asked while looking at Max because I know the others would never tell me.

"You don't know?" He said looking at me. I shrugged and signaled him to continue.

"Franny he's a virgin." He explained. My mouth dropped in disbelief.

"What about with Ava, he fucked her?" I said proving him wrong.

"You are forgetting that Ava is a lying bitch, who would say anything to make you jealous." Asher said finally joint the conversation.

Am I just oblivious, I always saw him as the type of guy who would sleep around, not in a bad way. I mean he is an attractive man there is no way that he has not taken advantage of his good looks.

In high school I remember all of the girls pining after him. He was the dream guy of the school and they are telling me that he never actually slept with anyone.

I was about to ask why I was just now finding out, but before I could say anything we heard foot steps coming from the hallway. We all hurried to our seats and pretended like we were talking about something else.

"And then I called him a little bitch and that was the end of it." Max said trying to cover up our old conversation.

"He fucking deserved it." I said adding in trying to make it believable. Brooks looked at me surprised that I could go along so fast.

"What are you guys talking about? And why does Brooks look so surprised?" He said while coming to sit next to me. He was going to blow our cover, I quickly kicked his shin hard under the table to make him knock it off.

"Oh we are just talking about that guy at the mall from the other day." Asher said coming up with a quick cover.

"Oh he was a Bitch" he laughed. Then I felt his warm hand reach for my thigh under the table. He gave my thigh a little squeeze while continuing the conversation. He slowly traces his finger up and down my inner thigh, to the point where I can't even really sit still.

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