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I smooth my hair down as best I can, but curls flop every which way from my head. My green eyes narrow as I stare at my reflection. I really have no idea what to wear to this dance.

As I packed for camp, I hadn't expected to pack anything remotely fancy. Ya know, the usual campy woodsy stuff. Tank tops, shorts, and sneakers. A few tees were thrown in there too, but casual, comfy stuff. I didn't bring any frilly dresses - I'm not that type of girl anyway.

I trudge to my suitcase and rifle through, looking for some type of skirt.

Cargo shorts. Nope.

Camo tee. Nope.

Red converse. Nope.

"Ugh," I groan and run my hands through my hair.

I knock sounds from the cabin door and I look up.

"Hey, Liam!" I muster up a smile and let out a quiet sigh.

"Is everything alright, Andy?" His brown eyes fill concern and feel my heart melt.

I send him a thankful nod and bite my lip. "It's just, this dance. I haven't brought anything to wear, and I don't want to be the one who shows up in camp clothes. Especially since I'm Sydney's stepdaughter, and all..." I ramble.

"Andy, it's completely fine. My girlfriend brought a couple extra dresses and skirts. She was expecting this. Swing by cabin nineteen when you have a chance."

I jump up from my deflated place on the floor and throw my arms around Liam.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squeal and bound out the door.

The woodchips gather around my sneaker clad feet as I run past cabins.





It was eighteen, wasn't it?

I climb up the wooden stairs and knock on the door.

"Gimme a minute, love!"

I recognize that voice.

My eyebrows crease together as Zayn opens the door.

"Oh, hey! Came to visit?"

A girl appears and hugs Zayn around his torso. Her dark hair falls in front of her alluring eyes. "Come back," she whines. I feel the familiar sting in my nose and my vision starts to blur.

"Uh, I'll stop by later." I manage to choke out and start to leave. I can feel his eyes on me.

Why did he continually flirt with me if he had someone? Was I not good enough?

Questions parade through my mind, filled with frustration and sadness weaved throughout.

"Hey, are you okay?" A gentle voice calls from a nearby cabin porch. A girl stands there, caramel hair and hazel eyes perfected with tan skin.

"I'm Sophia, Liam's girlfriend. He called and mentioned you might stop by?" Her caring features and warm voice coincide with her boyfriend's.

"Could you help me figure out what to wear to this dance?" I asked shyly, her features softening.

"Yeah, of course! Now, what's your style like?"

"Um, I'm not into all the frills and pink and glitter and stuff. I'm much more comfortable in a pair of jean shorts and some converse than a dress." I explain, her eyes brightening.

"I getcha girl." She smirks and motions for me to follow her into the cabin. She guides me to a closet, filled to the brim with shoes and thin sweaters and different colored scarves. "Stay here," she commands and ventures into the small space, crammed with hats and an array of homemade bracelets.

Handing me a dress and a jacket, she nudges me towards the bathroom.

"I told you how I feel about dresses-"

"Just go," she giggles and shoves me again. I shimmy out of my clothes and shrug on a swingy black dress. Doesn't seem too fancy or too casual. It's comfy. The jacket is denim, a middle blue, the color your dad's jeans were. I slide it on and feel the rough material hug my body. I step out of the stall, and stand there as Sophia eyes me.

"I'll wear it." I announce after minutes of silence. She cheers.

"On one condition." She sighs, rolling her eyes.

"I get to choose my shoes."

"But that's my favorite part," she whines, her hazel eyes pleading.

"Nope. You got me in a dress. That's an accomplishment. Now, shoo." I say with a smirk. She huffs as I venture into the confined space.

I look around.

Red pumps, black flats, brown boots. Rows of yellow wedges and purple sandals surround me.

Nothing seems right.

I stop.

I pair of steel-toe boots peek out at me, hiding from underneath a leather jacket.

Squealing, I pull out the Timberlands and grab a pair of socks from a nearby shelf. I also grab a red bandana before heading out to meet a very impatient Sophia.

"Take more time in there," she sarcastically says with a grin. I stick my tongue out at her and show her my finds. "Alright, alright. I admit it. I never would've thought of pairing those together. It looks damn good though."

Echoes of our laughter travel throughout the camp.

I hug Sophia, hold my borrowed clothes in my hand, and sprint my way towards my cabin. I walk through the door to meet my girls, as well as Niall.

My eyes look up to meet him and a deep blush covers my cheeks.

He has his hands tangled in Zoe's hair, attempting to either put it in a braid, or tie it in knots. I rush towards both of them, seeing them both about to erupt into tears, I don't know which first - the little girl or the grown man.

I quickly seperate the small girl's head of hair, and Niall's dangerous hands.

He gives me a smile that's full of gratitude as he rushes off to join his group of troublemakers next door.

"Andy! Andy! Are you going with Niall to the dance tonight??" Piper asks and I feel my throat start to close.

"Well, I was going to go with Zayn..." I lift my gaze to meet Niall's hurt eyes. "But, I decided to go alone. You know, meet some new people. It's only the first of many." I stammer.

"But, Niall's your prince in shining armour!"Abbie whines as Brittany elbows her.

"Um, I'll see you guys in a while." Niall hoists Ben on his hip and leads the rest of the boys outside the cabin.

I sit down on my bed and put my head in my hands, unsure of what else to do. I knew this dance was no going to be like any other.


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