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I limp to the nurses station, leaning on my new friend Zayn. I was beyond pissed at Niall for making me look like a fool and turning my first day into hell. At first I though the blonde would be fun, but that was from a distance glance.

"Oh, dear Andy." Harry walks out to where I sit in a chair at the nurses office.

"Niall pushed me.... into the lake." I basically read his mind. He pushes my explanation to the side and examines my foot. After washing the mud off and cleaning it properly, a band aid is placed on the open wound. I felt like I was five, pampering was not my thing.

Suddenly, speak of the devil, Niall bursts through the door. Alarming us all, he looks concerned. "Damn, I didn't think it was that bad, they had to pull out the Elmo bandages." He chuckles, returning to his joking self.

"Can you shut up?" I huff, wondering why he was even here.

"Sorry, sorry. I brought you new clothes." He hands me a stack of dry clothing. My face turns bright red as my under garments sit right on the top, in view for all three of the foreigners to see. They weren't that inappropriate, the bra had a little lace, but it was humiliating. It was like they had just seen me in just my underwear or found my lady products somewhere, it was just awkward. Then it hit me, Niall had gone through my stuff, meaning he had seen the lacey-er things. I want to break down right here, of all the people to see my private belongings.

"I'll just go change." I mutter awkwardly, feeling the three pairs of eyes on my back. Pulling on the outfit, a Tshirt and sports shorts I notice the shirt is not too familiar as it is a little larger. I shrug it off and look in the mirror to see my face a mess. I looked disgusting, more embarrassment. I attempt to set angle my curly hair, but it's impossible in it's wet state.

Walking back to the boys, I forget how I look. I was really just done with today. I couldn't wait to go to bed and get a good nights rest.

"I'll help you back." Zayn offers, pushing Harry back.

"No, no. I will Zayn, I want to apologize fully." Niall then takes my arm and we begin to walk back down the trail to our cabins. I didn't have a choice to go with Niall, he dragged me along.

"Look Andy, I'm so sorry. I just, uh, sometimes, I get...ugh. I don't know how to express my feelings in the right way sometimes." He stutters and kicks a pebble in the way of our path.

"It's fine Niall, I have a short temper sometimes."

"Good, because now I want to get to know you." He smiles.

"What about the kids? Don't we have to get them and-" I start to question.

"I got a friend to watch them, he will bring them back after dinner in twenty minutes." He tells me, calming my outburst. "Now, what is your story?"

"My story... I was born on a farm, first born in my family. I spent my childhood in fields and with animals. The years before my parents spilt, my brothers were born. When my parents spilt, custody went my mother. She moved to the big city, where she got a job and I had to take care of my brothers and juggle school. I read, a lot. My mother thinks I'm uptight, just like you think, sent me here to let loose. There, now you know me." I sigh, I wasn't a very intriguing person. Why would he even want to attempt to be my friend.

"Well, my stories simple as well. Lived in Ireland, clearly you can tell, all my life. Fooled around at school, played guitar, and just hung out really. Met Harry while on a trip in London and he told me about this place. Now I'm here, fooling around still." He chuckles, throwing his hand up. We reach the cabin, he opens the door for me and I lead him to my bunk so we can sit.

"Wow, we are really boring people." I state, let out a short giggle.

"No, you just know my story in short version, there's still so much more."

"You know, when you aren't teasing me, you're actually fun to be around."

-Sadie Rose

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