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I woke up with a much happier attitude. I don't know if it was the ten hours of sleep I got, or if it was the moisture in the air, but I was singing a happier tune.

All the girls were still fast asleep, as it was still early in the morning, and the cabin was peaceful for once.

Counselors had to wake up up earlier than the campers, thirty minutes earlier - it was all to get ready for the long day ahead. From the quiet, I assume Niall hadn't woken up yet, meaning I had to wake him up myself. I stumble into the bathroom, to see if I look decent. I didn't, my curls popped out ever direction and my pajamas we all scrunched up. Adjusting my looks, I go into cabin thirteen. It was only six thirty, so it was still pitch black out, making it impossible to fine the bunk that held Niall. My hands fumbled around as I search for the blonde boy.

Turning on a flash light, I find the boy tangled between all his campers, as they are all crammed in one bed. All he wore were his white boxers. For once in his life, he looks peaceful. I tap him, and his eyes bolt open.

"Time to get up." I whisper, hoping not to wake up any of the young boys. He nods and somehow weaves himself out of the mess. I return to the bathroom, brushing my hair and teeth, before getting dressed. I wear my usual summer outfit. Some jean shorts and a tank top of random color. Today I wore plain white. After changing, I decided on putting on some light make up, just to cover up my bags and blemishes.

"You know, you don't need that." Niall tells me as I dab on the concealer. I simply don't respond, not wanting to get in another argument.

"Let me take this, you don't need it." The native irish swipes my make up bag and it's belongings in one swift motion.

"Niall." I state sternly. Who was he to say what I could use and what I couldn't.

"What? I think you look good without it."

"Yeah, but I don't. Now, give it to me." I groan.

"You sound like a child. You don't need it, you should see your beauty without it." He then skips off, going to hide the bag. It was morning so I didn't run after him. I ignore his childish behavior and go into my cabin to do the chores.

"Knock, knock. Everything good in here?" I see Liam's kind eyes, his head poking in the cabin.

"Yeah, Li. Everything's awesome. Kid's are gonna wake up in a few, we'll get them prepped and down to the dining hall for breakfast!" I say cheerily.

"Well, you're a natural, aren't ya? Great job. I'll check in with you guys later." He waves, and with that, he's gone.

I hum under my breath, and the girls slowly wake up.

Dolls are propped on pillows, bows clipped into hair, and sunscreen sprayed every which way. Within a quick ten minutes, the girls were ready.

We head over to cabin thirteen, and I push open the door slowly.

Niall and all seven campers look up at me, makeup covering their faces.

"Where did you boys get that?" I point and I feel myself begin to shake.

"It's yours!" Niall says happily and continues to draw on Reed's face with my pink lipstick. "Did you really think you would need lipstick at camp?"

I cross my arms and glare. "I didn't know if there would be a fancy dinner or something," I saw defensively and Niall rolls his eyes in response. "Um, Niall?"


"Please, do not tell me that you used all of the makeup in that bag on your faces."

"We wouldn't do that!" Niall says, his eyes widening.

I relax, and let out a breath I didn't even know I had been holding in. "Oh, thank god." I say.

"We threw some in lake!" Mason yells excitedly.

I feel my body tense up again. "Boys, go wash off your faces and change into your clothes. Niall and I will help with sunscreen in a few minutes."

They pout, but head off to the bathroom.

"Niall. I am completely serious right now. I need that makeup."

"Dude, you need to chill it with all of this. It was joke. Plus, you don't need it. We're here for a couple more weeks, you can survive without your precious makeup." He says sarcastically and pulls Abbie onto his lap and she squeals.

"Yeah, Andy! You don't need any of that stuff!" Brittany tugs on my shorts with a grin.

"Girls, it's just something I need. Like you need your dolls? I need my makeup."

Their little mouths form into perfect 'o's in understandment.

"Niall, you can handle the boys, right? I need to get them to breakfast and get Sophia's medication." I cross my arms impatiently.

"I got the girls, A. I'll bring them to the chow hall and you take care of the boys."

I wave bye to my little ones and proceed to the bathroom.

Sunscreen sprayed (again), hats thrown on, and sneakers tied.

I get the boys to the food hall and get them settled next to the girls with their food.

"Hey, Harry!" The British boy looks up at me. "C'mere, will ya?"

He trots over, his curls squashed under a bandana.

"Watch 'em for me for a few minutes?" He nods and I jog over to the nurse's office.

Peering through the window, I see Niall crouching down next to Sophia, who's teddy bear is clutched in her arms. I see her crying and him trying his hardest.

"Hey, Soph," I hear him say quietly and I see her look up at him with watery eyes. "We can give Mr. Teddy Bear a shot when you get yours too."

Sophia nods but flinches as the nurse pulls out the needle. Niall gives her a hug and hands her a play syringe and he holds the bear.

Just as the shot goes into her arm, Mr. Teddy Bear gets his too. Niall shakes the bear, pretending to make him cry and the little girl grabs the bear and grabs it to her chest.

Wow. She didn't even notice she got the shot. Niall really is great with kids.

Niall waves and they head out of the nurse's office. Sophia looks up at Niall through her tiny glasses, and gives him her hand. He clapses her palm in his, and they walk out together.

I silently 'aw' and dart back into the dining hall.

Maybe there's more to Niall than I think.

~ Sadie Rose (she wrote the first half) and Mia :)

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