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My eyes slowly open at the sunlight beaming through my window. I groan and prop myself up against my pillow. As I make my way to the mirror, I pluck the small daisy out of my mess of curls. I quickly tie my hair up and stick the flower in my ponytail.

I change into a gray tank top and jean shorts and head over to the boys cabin. As soon as I open the door, I walk into Niall.

"Well, that was a way to say good morning," Niall jokes and wraps me in a hug. I blush slightly as I squeeze his torso.

"We have hockey right after breakfast. It'll be a treck, but I'm sure we'll have fun." I say to him.

"Anything's fun with you," Niall flirts and pokes my shoulder with a grin.

I roll my eyes and shove him gently. "I'll take Sophia to the nurse this morning."

He nods and plants a kiss on my cheek.

"A friendly kiss. Nothing more," I warn.

He snorts. "Right. 'Cause friends give each other kisses."

"Just get the boys ready."

Sophia clutches my hand and wails. "I don't want to get my shot! It's gonna hurt!"

She continues to scream as I let out an exasperated sigh. "Sophie, I promise it won't."

"I want Niall!"

The nurse gives me a sideways glance, and I pick up Sophie. Propping her on my hip, I walk into the next room.

Her little fists clench and her red face has tears streaming down it. I gently take off her glasses and wipe them on my shirt.

"Soph, can you listen to me for a minute?" I ask quietly.

She bits her lip and nods.

"Sometimes Niall will be here when you get your medicine. Sometimes it will be me. I promise, promise, promise you, the shot will not hurt."

Her brown eyes peer up at me.

"Can I get a fun bandaid?" She asks, lip quivering.

"Of course," I giggle and hug her.

Someone knocks on the door and I look up.

"Hey, Andy. Everything okay in here? Heard Sophia was having a little trouble getting her shot," Harry says.

"Nuh uh. I'm a big girl. Let's go get my shot!" Sophia marches past Harry, and I hold in a laugh.

"A feisty one, is she?" He chuckles.

"Oh, you should see my other campers."

I sit down next to Niall as he grins at me.

"What took you so long?" He asks as he slides me a tray with breakfast on it.

I smile thankfully and open up my bottle of orange juice. "Soph had a little bit of a meltdown. She's alright now, though." I glance down at my plate of oatmeal, complete with a smiley face of brown sugar.

Niall elbows me as Reed runs over to me. "Andy? Can I not do hockey today?" He asks, his blue eyes wide.

"Is something wrong?" I pull him onto my lap.

Tears fill his blue orbs. "Ty's been teasing me because I'm not very good at sports."

"Do you want me to say something to him?" I raise my eyes brows at her and place my hand on her forearm. Reed shakes his head furiously and his black curls flop across his forehead.

"Can I just sit out today?"

I nod sympathetically. He turns around and grabs my neck in a hug.

"You're the best, Andy!" He cheers and he scurries back to sit between Aidan and Mason.

I turn to Niall. "Did you know about this?"

He nods. "I didn't want to get involved just yet. I didn't realize it actually bugged Reed." I feel the frustration bubble inside of me.

"You didn't do anything? Niall. Ty could bullying Reed and we'd have no idea," I explain.

"C'mon A. It's probably just teasing. They're little boys - it's a part of life."

"Let's just go to hockey." I say and take Abbie's hand.

"Hey, Andy! Niall wanted me to give you thi-" Ben charges up to me and hands me a note. Niall grabs Ben and throws him onto his back, and rips the note out of my hand.

"Alright, to hockey we go!" Niall says and starts to run, Ben bouncing happily on his back.


Ava and Piper look up at me.

"Do you know what that note said?"

We continue to walk, Piper, Abbie, and Ava all by my side.

"Is she dumb?"

"Dumb's not a nice word."

"Fine. Is she serious?"

"How can she not tell?"

The three snicker and exchange conversation.

"Excuse me? Can someone clue me in?"

Piper tugs on my shirt. "Niall was gonna ask you to be his girlfriend. Like in High School Musical. But instead of Troy and Gabriella, it's you and Niall. And you're not in high school, You're at camp. Neither of you sing, but-" the small girl blabs on, getting quite off topic.

"Okay, thanks Piper." Ava cuts her off with small giggle.

~Mia :)

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