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The game started, the kids rushing around on the concrete slab, pushing the puck towards the goals. Determination showed on all of their faces, as sweat dripped off their foreheads.

"So, Andy," Niall starts, but I keep my eyes on the kids. I didn't want an accident to happen when niall distracted me.

"Niall." I answer back, unsure of what else to say to the unnatural blond.

"I know it's only the third day at this crazy summer camp, but we've really bonded." Niall begins to ramble.

"Yeah, bonded." I spit out in a more hurtful way then I meant it.

"Okay, moving on. I was thinking, at the dance on Friday, which is in two days, maybe we could go together. Campers and counselors do it. Ya know, since we're co-counselors and all... it should be fun, what do you say?"

At that moment, Piper ran over to me. "Mason hit me with his stick," she wailed. Tears streaming down her freaked face.

"Where?" I quickly hoisted her onto my lap, thankful for the distraction. She pointed to her cheek, where a purple bruise was starting to form.

"We better get some ice on that." I say, kissing the girls swelling cheek.

"Okay."she chocked out through sobs, taking my hand and leading me towards the nurse.

"Niall, watch the kids." I give him a look, hoping he can follow the directions I give him. He nods, walking to Mason to have a talk. The kids all drop the sticks and crowd around the blond.

Reaching the nurses office, the older women scurry around the room like mice, helping other ill feeling children.

"Ow! That looks like it hurt, come this way guys. I'll get y'all some ice." One of the white haired women shines a warming smile out way, showing us to a waiting room. Small blue chairs lined the wall. I set Piper down, sitting down next to her. Her feet hang off the edge, she swings them back and forth.

"Here you go." The sweet lady smiles, handing the small girl a blue frozen pack wrapped in a paper towel.

"Thank you." I look at her, then turn to Piper to look at her swollen cheek. The redness was vibrant, and the spot where the mean kid hit her.

"How bad is it?" Her eyes row raise, month turned down, she looked hopeful.

"Not too bad." Giving her an unsure look, I bite my lip.

"Doesn't look bad at all, a battle scar is all it is. You're brave." I hear Niall walk into the room as he grins at Piper.

"Niall!" I groan, "Where are the kids?"

"Dude, calm down. They're right here." Niall gestures to the crowd of kids hiding behind the wall near him.

"Sorry." I groan, flipping my head down into my hands frustrated. I feel Niall's arms wrap around me and my cheeks heat up.

"So, you didn't exactly answer me about the dance..."

I bite my lip, and look away from his blue eyes. "Look, Niall, I don't think that-"

"Hey, Andy! What're you doing here?" Zayn appears, his hazel eyes scanning over Niall's closeness to me.

"Piper got hurt." Niall's tone was short; clipped.

"Oh, well I hope she's alright. Anyway, Andy, I was wondering if you wanted to come to the faculty dance with me?" His pleading eyes varied from Niall's that were filled with rage.

"Actually, I think we were just about to go." Niall grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the nurse's office.

"What the hell was that?" I angrily ask. He crosses his arms and stares at me.

"Are you serious right now?"

I clench my fists, feeling the blood pumping through my veins. "Zayn is a very nice guy. Maybe I wanted to go to the dance with him." The strength of my voice surprises me.

"I'm done, Andy. I'm done. Do you not obviously see that I have feelings for you?" His angry voice radiates throughout the pine trees. I look up to meet Niall's gaze as a small gasp escapes my lips. I swallow hard, our eyes locked in a steady conversation.

"Andy! Andy! Can we go to sand station now? I wanna build a sand castle!" Zoe tugs on my arm that hangs limply at my arm.

"Mhm." I respond numbly as she takes my arm. I follow her and the other eleven kids to the sandbox, tingling in my heart sparking a heat source in the middle of my stomach. I glance back to see Niall standing there. Just standing there, alone. A blank state covering his face.

- Sadie Rose (beginning to middle) and Mia (middle to end) :)

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