Prologue: It Begins

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3rd POV


Destruction, is what the state the planet known as Earth currently is in.

The Red Ranger, known as Zordon was in the middle of it.

All of his friends are dead, the Blue Ranger, the Black Ranger, the Yellow Ranger and the Pink Ranger. All dead.

Zordon used his remaining strength and crawls over to someone very important to him, his bestfriend and secret crush, Xeno the Gold Ranger.

Xeno took off his Power Coin and hands it to Zordon, as his Ranger Suit went into the Power Coin, revealing him as an alien.

"I'm sorry." Zordon apologizes in an alien language. "I'm sorry." He repeated.

"It's not your fault Zordon. It never was." Xeno said. "Before I go, I have to tell you something." He began coughing.

"Shh, save your strength." Zordon said, trying to get Xeno to save his energy, which failed.

"It's too late for me." Xeno started. "I wanted to tell you that, I have always loved you Zordon, ever since the day we met."

"I've always known Xeno, and I felt the same way too." Zordon said.

"I'm glad, that you felt the same way." Xeno said, with tears in his eyes. "And I'm sorry." He said, as he took his last breath, with Zordon still holding onto his hand.

Zordon hold onto Xeno's hand a bit longer, and let go after a while, and continue crawling towards an area.

"Alpha, I'm the last one alive." Zordon said into his communicator, and dug a hole. "We must stop her. Send the meteor to my coordinates."

Zordon took off his Power Coin with his Ranger Suit entering it.

Zordon held the Power Coins in his hands. "Seek only those who are worthy. Find only those who are strong." He said, as he placed the Power Coins into the hole.

The Green Ranger with a golden scepter appeared. "With the Zeo Crystal, we could have ruled the universe together." Rita, the Green Ranger said.

"That was never going to happen." Zordon said, as he shook his head.

"Then you will die, Zordon." Rita said.

"We will die together, Rita." Zordon said.

The meteor was launched, it hits the ground. Zordon ducked. Rita was pushed back, her golden scepter shattering, and her falling into the ocean.

Something bright was in the middle of the destruction, it is known as the Zeo Crystal.

A/N: First Chapter will hopefully be out soon!

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