Chapter Eight: Campfire Confessions

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A/N: Warning! There's a part where it is LIME. You can skip it if you want, but I'll put a warning.


Billy, Zack, Trini and Kimberly finished setting up the campfire, as the sun was setting.

Hope got back to where they are. "Hey guys." He called. He was holding a box of doughnuts.

"You brought doughnuts?" Trini asked, when she saw the box, Hope was holding.

"From Krispy Kreme." Hope said, and he sat around the camp fire.

Soon, Jason came back from the ravine.

"What happened back there?" Zack asked Jason.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." Jason said, and he sat down. "Billy, how'd you do it? How'd you Morph?" He asked.

"I don't know." Billy replied, not knowing how he did it.

"What are you guys thinking about, when we're trying to Morph?" Jason asked.

"'You must shed this mask to wear your armor'." Kimberly said, mimicking Zordon's voice. She threw the piece of firewood into the fire.

Everyone laughs.

"'Think only of each other and the Morphin' Grid will open to you'." Zack said, as he mimicks Zordon's voice, as well.

"Yeah, that's better." Kimberly said.

"Or maybe it's cause we don't know each other." Zack said. "Maybe that's why we can't Morph."

"Okay." Trini said.

"No, I'm serious, let's do this." Zack said, as he stands up. "I'm Zack, and I am a Power Ranger." He said, and everyone laughs.

"Hi, Zack." Everyone said.

"Truth." Zack said. "I live in the Melody mobile home park. It's just me and my mom." He said. "And my mom? My mom is the best!" He shouted. He begins sniffing. "But my mom. She's sick." He said. "I do what I can but- but I'm scared. Sometimes I get too scared to stay the night because I'm afraid she can't make it." He said. "And if she goes... When she goes... I got nobody else."

Everyone was silent.

"Look." Zack begins. "I think being with you guys is good for me."

"Let's do that." Billy said. "Let's tell our secrets it will help us." He said, and he stood up. "Okay, I got a secret. I like country music." He said.

"What?" Trini said, as she was laughing.

"As a matter of fact, I love country music." Billy said, and everyone laughs. "And I don't... I don't miss my dad that much." He said. "I mean coming to the mine with him was all I had." He said. "But coming to the mines with you guys is just as good. Yeah."

"Biggest secret is why were you in detention?" Jason asked.

"I blew up my lunch box." Billy simply replied.

"What?" Kimberly said, and everyone laughs a bit more loudly.

"But it was an accident." Billy said.

"Of course." Trini said.

"Blowing up your lunch box." Hope said.

"My lunch box was in my locker, boom goes the lunch box, in detention goes Billy." Billy said. "But let's not forget that Kimberly Hart and Hope Madden, were also in detention too so..."

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