Chapter Two: Krispy Kreme

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Detention has finally ended.

Hope got out of the school and went towards his car, he got in it, and starts the engine. As he was driving away, he saw that Jason and Billy was talking at the stairs.

As Hope drove his car, he drove to his father's workplace. Krispy Kreme. Hope's Dad, Chris was the Manager there. And everyone there knows about him. Hope would go there and help out a bit, when he has a lot of free time.

Hope drove towards the building, parked his car nearby and went into it.

The restaurant was full of customers. There he saw his Dad behind the counter, and greeted him.

"Hey, Dad." Hope greeted, as he walks towards the counter.

"Hey, kiddo." Chris greeted back. "You here to help again?" He asked.

"Yeah." Hope replied. "I don't have anything to do, especially after detention. So, I came here."

"Your principal sucks." Chris said, and Hope laughs.

"I know right?" Hope said. "Anyway, I'm gonna go change at the back." He said, and walks toward the staff changing room.

"Sure thing." Chris said.

Hope came back outside wearing the uniform, and begin serving the customers.

Hope almost always goes to Krispy Kreme and always helps his Dad. Chris was grateful of course, but he didn't want Hope to always spend his time working, while he could make friends and enjoy life.

Chris always told Hope that he didn't have to help, but Hope always says it's a way to repay him back for taking him in.

Sometime around the afternoon, Hope was at the counter wiping it, and a customer sits there.

"It seems to be busy here." The Stranger said. He was wearing a tuxedo.

"Yeah, well it's always like this." Hope said. "Can't blame them though, the doughnuts here are good."

"I'm intrigued in this food you call doughnuts." The Stranger said.

"You seriously never had doughnuts before?" Hope questions the guy. And the guy just shrugs. "Have you been living under a rock?" He joked.

"Something like that." The Stranger said. Hope was silent a bit, than laughs.

"You're funny. Never seen you before, new here?" Hope asked.

"Recently moved, decided to explore a bit." The Stranger said. "My name's Xeno." Xeno said.

"Mine's Hope." Hope said. "And since you're new here, welcome. And here's an Original Glazed Doughnut, on the house." He aaid, as he grabs one, puts it on a plate and hands it to Xeno.

"Are you always this nice?" Xeno asked, and he grabs the doughnut and begin eating it. "This is actually pretty good." He commented.

"Glad you like it." Hope said. "And to answer your first question, I'm always nice to people but when it comes to bullies, I become a beast."

"That's one way to put it." Xeno said. "You seem to be very close to the staffs here."

"Yeah, my dad's the Manager, and I always help out because I have a lot of free time." Hope said. "So it's no surprise everyone here knows me." He said, his back was facing Xeno, as he was preparing the drinks.

"You seem like you've been through hell." Xeno said. "Anything happened?"

"It's none of your business." Hope said. He knows what Xeno meant, about the look on his eyes remembering the nightmare he had in the morning.

"You'll meet people and hopefully they can help you." Xeno said. "It is time, Young Ranger."

"What are you-" Hope said, turning around but stoppes when he saw Xeno gone, and tip on the counter. "talking about..."

Hope was thinking where had Xeno gone, while he was there just seconds ago. He shook his head, went to the back, and change back into his outfit.

"Dad, I'm heading out. Don't work too late!" Hope said, and left Krispy Kreme, to somewhere he always go to, when bad things happens.

The Mine.

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