Chapter Five: Zordon

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Hope and the others walks over to the spaceship.

"This must have been here for a million of years." Billy said. "Look how the rock is growing around it." He said, as he looks around with his flashlight.

"I do not like this place." Kimberly said.

Jason took out his coin, that was suddenly glowing. "Hey, guys." He called, and everyone went over to him. "Check it out."

Suddenly the spaceship's entrance open.

"It's okay." Jason and Hope said to each other.

All of them begin walking into the spaceship, and look around.

"Holy..." Zack said, and everyone shushed him. "Think there's aliens in here?" He asked.

"Just be quiet, Zack." Jason said.

"It's so cold in here." The girl said.

"Jason, is this real?" Billy asked. "Like are we really in a spaceship right now?"

"I think so. Just breathe. Okay?" Jason said, trying to calm Billy down.

"It's all going to be alright." Hope said, helping them.

"Hey! We've all seen enough here. Right?" The girl asked. "We should go now?"

"What? We're going to be famous." Zack said, a bit loud, as he runs around.

"Quiet!" Jason whisper-shout.

"There's something here." Hope said, as he heard something.

Suddenly the spaceship turns on, and the stairs closes.

"There's no way out!" Kimberly exclaimed.

A door opens, and something glowing was there.

"That way. Let's go!" Jason said, and he grabs Hope's hand. And all of them runs the opposite direction of it.

"I'm going!" Billy said.

"Run!" The girl shouted.

All of them ran, they turn a corner and hid behind the pillars.

Jason lifts Hope to help him hide in the opening on the wall, and they hid together.

Everyone was hiding, until the girl screams as the thing got her leg, and starts pulling her.

"Didi, I'm coming." Zack said, and he began chasing after her.

"You're real!" A robot said, as 'Didi' got to him.

"Leave her alone!" Zack yells, and was thrown off by the robot.

All of us stood in front of the robot.

"We will kill you." Jason said.

"Kill me? How?" The robot questioned.

"There's six of us." Kimberly said.

"Yes, I know I've been waiting for you." The robot said. "Wait, where's the other guy? One, two, three, four, five... Oh, there he is." He said, and pulls Zack towards the others. Kimberly helped him up. "All of you."

"In a spaceship buried underground? How long have you been waiting?" Billy asked.

"What's the day? Monday?" The robot asked.

"Yeah." Billy replied.

"Then, 65 million years." The robot said. "I've been very lonely." He said, with a sigh. "You're all so young looking." He said, and everyone back away a bit.

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