Chapter One: Detention

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"It was your fault!"

"You should've been the one who died!"

"I wish you were never born!"

Hope Madden gasped loudly as he sat up on his bed. He was breathing heavily, and shaking.

Hope looks around the area, only to realize he was in his room. "Nightmares, again." He muttered, after he calmed down.

Hope lays back down onto his bed, he turns to his right and checks his clock. His clocks shows him that it's 7 A.M.

Hope's eyes widen, and he began rushing. "Oh no! I'm gonna be late!" He exclaimed, as he prepares for school in a hurry. It was a Saturday, and Hope had no idea why he had to go to school on a Saturday.

Hope rushed down to his home's kitchen, only to find a note there with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich prepared for him.

"Went out for work early, will try to get home before dinner - Dad." The note read.

Hope was a bit saddened from the note, but he quickly forgot about it as he rushes towards his car.


Hope reached his school and parked his car in the school's parking lot. He got out of his car, grabs his things, and made his way into the building.

The school's hallway was empty, meaning that classes has already started.

Hope sighs. "Great." He muttered. He began walking through the hallway.

As Hope made his way through the hallway, he heard someone getting beat up. He turns a corner and found a student getting bullied by three other students.

Hope didn't know what came over him, he didn't want to interfere with them, but watching the student getting beat up made him angry.

Hope walks towards them. "Hey!" He shouted, catching their attention. "Leave him alone!" He said.

The bullies looks at him and started laughing. "What are you gonna do about it?" The leader of the bullies said. He continues to laugh, only to be punched by Hope.

"You're so gonna regret this." Hope said, as he began fighting the bullies.

In the end the bullies were on the ground, covered in bruises. And Hope was standing with fewer bruises than the bullies.

"You okay?" Hope asked, the student who was bullied a while ago.

"Yeah." The student replied. Hope nodded.

"Mr. Madden." The Principal called. Hope and the student turned towards him. "With me to the Principal's Office." He said, and left.

Hope sighs in exhaustion. "Could this get any worst?" He thought.


Hope ended up getting detention for the rest of the school year.

Hope was there relatively early, as there were only a few students in detention. He made his way down the stairs, and went to sit at his seat, in the front of the class.

A while later, students began coming in, and the room became noisy with the students around.

Hope, who was seated at the front watches a student as he keeps on working on his project.

Billy Cranston, Hope reminded himself of the student, having some of the same classes with him.

Hope's attention was taken from Billy, as he heard the door open, and a student came down.

Jason Lee Scott, former football team's star quarterback, who got detention for bringing a cow into the boy's locker room.

Hope stares at Jason for a bit, and quickly turns away from him, when Jason looks at him. Now if anyone were to ask Hope if he had a crush on Jason, he would deny it, but that's a lie.

Hope continues watching Billy as he works on his project, not noticing that Jason was staring at him.

As Billy continue working on his project, Colt Wallace decided to mess with him, knocking his pencils onto the floor, and messing with him.

Hope was irked by the way Colt was treating Billy, he was about to stood up, until a hand stops him.

Hope looks to his side, only to see Jason, who pats his shoulders, telling him to sit down, to which he listens to.

Hope sat back down on his seat, and watch as Jason deals with Colt.

"Hey!" Jason said, as he pushes Colt, causing the entire room to look at their interaction. "How old are you? Five?" He questioned.

"Hi, I'm Jason. It's my first time here. It's exciting." Jason starts. "And you must be the bully of detention. How dumb can you be?" He questioned.

Colt tries to punch him, but Jason dodges it. Jason slaps him with his fist.

"Oh!" The students in detention exclaimed.

"Did you just slap me?" Colt questioned.

"I did. Weird, right?" Jason asked. "Now I'm gonna be here everyday for what seems like the rest of my life, and I'm sure that you are, too. So let's make a deal." He said.

"Don't sit near me, or him," Jason said, referring to Billy. "or him," He said, as he points towards Hope, to which Hope raised an eyebrow. "and we'll be okay."

The students in the room begin murmuring as the teacher came into the room.

"Okay! Uh, approved homework, or working on the Better choices workbook. These should be out and in progress." The teacher said.

"I need to go to the ladies' room." Kimberly said, as she walks up the stairs.

"Uh... Okay." The teacher said. "And good morning." He greeted the class.

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