Chapter Seven: Zords

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"Aim for the center." Alpha 5 said. Jason went towards the putty, and got hit. "One more time."

"Dodge their punches. Find their weak side." Alpha 5 said, as Jason fails again.

Jason and Billy trained.

Zack and Trini sparred, with Trini putting Zack in a headlock.

"This is exciting." Alpha 5 said, watching their sparring. "Yeah, Trini!" He cheered.

Jason and Hope sparred, with Hope flipping Jason over his shoulder. Hope sticks his tongue out at Jason, and laughs. He then helps Jason up.

Billy and Alpha 5 sparred.


Zack continue to skip school, as he helps his mother.

Hope, Trini and Kimberly were at class.

Jason was watching football practice from afar.


Everyone was back at the pit, as they continue training.

"Focus! Focus everybody, just focus!" Alpha 5 said.

Jason, Zack and Kimberly were hit and thrown.

Trini went under a Putty, and kick its lower area.

"Lucky shot." Zack said.

Hope got onto a Putty's back, he snaps its neck, as it fell and dismantle.

"Cool." Trini said.

"Been wanting to try that out." Hope said.

"You guys all know you can be murdered, right?" Alpha 5 asked.

Kimberly went towards a wall, and tally the days.


Trini and Kimberly were at Krispy Kreme, the both of them fought for a doughnut hole.

The fork with it, flew into the air. Hope appears, he catches it, and ate it. Both Trini and Kimberly looks at him, and Hope brought out a plate of them.

The three of them laughed.


They are now in the ship, as they try to Morph.

"You must shade your own mask to wear this armor." Zordon said.

"I don't feel anything!" Billy said.

The glow stops.

"Take them down to the pit!" Zordon said.


"Watch me." Alpha 5 said. "Slip, grab, lift!" He said, as he lifted a small Putty, to threw it at his back. "Yeah!"

Everyone did it, and succeeded.

Hope, Trini and Kimberly fought against Putties.


At detention. Kimberly made a paper note, she threw it to Billy, who threw it to Jason, and threw it to Hope who caught it.

Hope looks at the three of them, and Kimberly nodded. He opens the paper note, and inside was written 'We should stat a band.' He read it, then balled it into a paper ball, and threw it. It hits Colts.

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