Chapter Eleven: Power Rangers

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Hope and the others were at the bottom of the ravine, and they saw Putties coming down towards them.

"All right." Kimberly said. "Let's do this."

All of them jumped into the water, and launch each other, as they all fought against the Putties.

After defeating all of the Putties they jumped out of the water, and onto the cliff. There they saw more Putties, and fought against them.

Jason summons a sword, as he fought against the Putties.

"Yee-haw!" Billy said. "This is so much better with armor!" He said, as he jumps on the Putties, and attack them.

"Come on! Bring it on!" Trini said, as her and Kimberly fought some of the Putties.

"Hey, heads up!" Zack said.

Hope summons a shield. "Watch out!" He shouted, and bashed the Putties breaking them. "Duck!" He shouted, as he threw his shield at the Putties, and it returns back to him.

More and more Putties keep coming.

"Guys, they just keep coming!" Jason said.

"There's too many of them!" Hope said.

"You guys hold them off!" Zack said.

"Zack, where are you going?" Kimberly asked.

Zack whooped as he jumps down into the ravine.

All of them were still fighting the Putties, as they were surrounded, and backed away towards the edge.

"They're gonna push us off the edge!" Trini shouted.

"Incoming!" Zack shouted, as he got up with his Zord, and destroys the Putties.

The others got out of the way, as Jason grabs Hope by his waist and pulls him.

Zack got out of his Zord. As the others went over to him.

"All right, who wants me to pimp their rides, too?" Zack asked.

"Uh, guys?" Billy called, as he took off his visor. "We're too late." He said.

The others took off their visors, and saw Goldar walking towards Angel Grove.

"That's... that's a lotta gold." Zack said.

"We're gonna protect the crystal, right?" Trini asked.

"We're going to Angel Grove." Kimberly said.

"In style." Hope said. "Let's get the Zords."


Hope and the others got onto their Zords.

"This is a lot different than the van." Billy said.

All of them were suddenly connected to their seats, while the consoles came out and they grabbed it. All of their Zords starts.

"Yippie-kay-yay, motherfu... Mother's good. Mother's good." Billy said.

"Go, go, Power Rangers!" Alpha 5 said.

All of them drove their Zords out of the mountain, as they make their way towards Angel Grove.

Billy was driving his Zord backwards. "I'm not going the right way! What?" He said. "Jason, I'm going backwards."


"Guys... our town. She's destroying it." Kimberly said, as she saw Goldar destroying buildings.

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