Chapter Six: The Pit

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Hope and the others were outside of the ship.

Jason came out. "You all waited." He said. "And even you." He said to Trini. "Who exactly are you?" He asked.

"Really? Now you're gonna ask me who I am?" Trini asked.

"Look, her name is Didi." Zack said.

"It's Trini." Hope said, Trini smiled at him. "We had the same class." He said, and Trini nodded.

"She's new at school transferred in a month ago." Kimberly said. "We have English together, right?" She asked.

"I have been in Angel Grove, for over a year now, the three of us have biology together." Trini said. "Good talk."

"Wait, look." Jason started. "None of us really know each other, okay? But somehow, we were all at the same place at the same time when Billy found those coins."

"Wait wait, can I ask a question?" Billy asked, as he stood up. "Are we really superheroes, like are we more like Iron Man or Spiderman?" He asked. "Cause I feel like I've been bit by a spider, but I feel really good..." He ranted.

"Look bro, trust me." Zack said, as he stood up. "You're not a superhero."

"Why are you talking to us, like you're the boss now?" Trini questioned.

"Hey, hold up. Can any of this Rita stuff be real?" Kimberly asked. "Can any of it be true?"

"Since we have the same 'vision'." Hope said, as he did quotation marks. "I'm gonna say probably."

"I don't know." Jason said. "But I know that the answer to what's wrong with us and what's happening to us, is here." He said, as he looks back at the Spaceship.

"So... what are you saying?" Kimberly asked.

"I think we gotta comeback." Jason said. "I can't make you come back here, but 4'o clock tomorrow. I'll be here." He said.

"Count me in." Hope said, and he stood up. "I got nothing else to do anyway."

Hope walks towards the middle.

"Hey, Hope. We don't..." Billy started to say.

Hope jumps out of the water, as the water got on the others.

Jason laughed a bit. "He did what I was about to do." He said.

"Of course." Trini said.

"I don't know, why I didn't think about that in the first place." Billy said.


It was now night time at the Madden's Residence.

Hope was cooking dinner, as his father Chris came home from work.

"Welcome home, dad!" Hope greeted from the kitchen.

"Hey, kiddo." Chris greeted. "You cooking dinner?" He asked.

"Yup." Hope said. "Better then, always ordering take outs." He said.

"Can't argue with that." Chris said. "So anything happened today?"

"I met a few people from school, we hanged out a bit, and planned on meeting tomorrow." Hope half-lied. It's isn't a complete lie, Hope doesn't even know if the others will be there, but knows that Jason will.

"That's good." Chris said. "Is one of them your crush? I don't have to give him the shovel talk do I?" He asked, half-joking. He laughed when he sees Hope blushing. "Kidding." He said. "Thanks for helping out today, kiddo."

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