Chapter Four: The Spaceship

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Hope was at the school, he is wearing a White Shirt, Brown Jacket over it, and Brown Pants. He was at his locker and grabbing his books out, when someone taps on his shoulder, he look to his side and saw Jason.

Jason nodded his head towards the stairs, and Hope follows. Once they reached the stairs, they whispered to each other, as students walks by.

"Am I crazy or is this crazy?" Jason asked.

"It's crazy." Hope said.

"We got hit by a train and we are standing here." Jason said. "How is that possible?"

"I don't remember getting home from the mine." Hope said. "I'm pretty sure I blacked out after the crash."

"What's that white stuff on your jacket?" Jason asked, as he saw the toothpaste on Hope's Brown Jacket.

"Toothpaste exploded." Hope said. "Don't ask." He said, when he saw Jason opens his mouth, and was about to ask.

"We gotta find Billy." Jason said, and Hope nodded.


Hope went to the cafeteria, and saw Kimberly there. He asked, if she has seen Billy, she replied with 'no', but that she is also looking for him. And the both of them decided to find Billy.

Billy was at a table, as he was surrounded by other students. The students were listening to the story, of how he faced Colt.

"You know, I wasn't trying to start any trouble or anything like that." Billy said. "I said, 'Hey man! Look I'm not a violent person'. But if you must come at me, come at me, bro."

"Yeah!" The students said.

"Boom! Down goes douchebag." A guy said.

"Down goes..." Billy said, as they fist-bumped. "I can't say that word."

"Billy." Kimberly called, and she sat on his left. While Hope sat on Billy's right.

Billy looks at them.

Everyone at the table look shocked, at seeing Kimberly and Hope there. Kimberly and Hope are considered popular at the school.

"Hay, Kimberly, Kimberly Hart. And Hope, Hope Madden." Billy greeted.

"We need to talk." Hope said, he nodded, and both him and Kimberly stood up.

"How? How? What?" Another guy said.

Billy stood up, and hurriedly went after them.

"Since when does he knows Kimberly Hart and Hope Madden?" The second guy questioned.

"Billy is awesome." The first guy said.

The three of them reached the counter. Kimberly was on Billy's left, while Hope was on Billy's right.

"Billy, look at me." Kimberly said, and Billy look over to her. "Do you feel weird?"

"You mean like weird than usual?" Billy asked.

"Yeah. Different." Hope said, and he placed his coin on the counter, Billy and Kimberly follows as well.

Jason suddenly appears, and placed his on the counter as well, and stood next to Hope.

"Guys. We know something happened out there, okay?" Jason said. "I'm not the same."

"Me neither. I'm strong!" Billy said.

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