Extra Chapter: Xeno

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To say it was weird for Xeno to wake up in the middle of nowhere, would be an understatement.

Xeno was very confused, the last thing he remembered was his last words before he died.

He was able to confess his feelings to Zordon, but it was too late.

Xeno was also in a vey weird situation. He was on rocks, naked. He looks at himself, and saw that he has something dangling between his thighs.

"Hmm... That's weird." He said, and didn't cared about it for the rest of the day.


It had been a few months, since Xeno has came back from the dead.

Xeno was very weirded-out. He was able to acquire some clothing, with the help of his powers.

Xeno has a very unique power. Xeno's Power Coin has the combined powers of the other five Rangers', and the Morphin' Grid.

His power is the power of conceptual materialization. His powers grants him the ability to form any object, as long as he remembered how it looks.

One night, when he was crossing the streets. He saw a nice tuxedo suit outside from a store's window. He materialized it, and that's how he got his outfit.


A few weeks has passed, and Xeno arrives at the town known as Angel Grove.

He was quite happy walking around the town, seeing all kinds of people around. He was happy that him and his team were able to save it, but he knew that Rita would return.

As Xeno was walking by the streets, he saw a very familiar boy.

"Bye, Dad! I'm headed towards school!" Hope shouted, he went towards his car.

"Alright, Hope! Be careful on your way there!" Chris shouted, from inside the house.

Xeno now knowing the boy's name is Hope, saw that Hope has an aura surrounding him. It didn't take long before Xeno knew the aura resembles that Hope will be the next Gold Ranger.


A few days has passed, since Xeno knows about Hope.

Today is the day Hope would be obtaining his Power Coin.
Chapter Two: Krispy Kreme

Xeno was walking down the streets, he caught sight of Hope going into a building named "Krispy Kreme". He went in there, he saw Hope wiping the counter, he saw that there is an empty seat there and sat at it.

"It seems to be busy here." Xeno said.

Hope looks up, at Xeno. "Yeah, well it's always like this. Can't blame them though, the doughnuts here are good."

"I'm intrigued in this food you call doughnuts." Xeno said. Which wasn't a lie, he had only recently came back to life months ago. And even then, he still haven't tried a lot of foods.

"You seriously never had doughnuts before?" Hope questions. Xeno shrugged. "Have you been living under a rock?" He joked.

"Something like that." Xeno said. Judging from his tone he was serious but Hope thought it was a joke, so he laughed.

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