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Chapter nine

Arriving back home felt surreal, because it wasn't my home. Though it was home enough.

The skidding of paws alerted us of the familiar, soppy little dog making his way to us which caused a smile to creep up on my face.

I could certainly get used to this little guy, that's for sure. He was such a cutie.

"Hey boy!" Henry exclaimed as he knelt down scratching the fur baby in all the right places making him kick out his leg.

This earned an even wider smile from myself watching how much Henry adored his best friend. Copying Henry's actions I knelt down to also give Kal some attention.

"Heya pal"

Henry looked my way briefly before standing up quickly and strolling towards the kitchen where he sat on one of his bar stools.

This made me sigh, the entire journey from Bali was quiet, we hardly conversed with one another unless we needed to. He had earphones in most of the journey so even if I wanted to try make conversation I knew I wouldn't be able to penetrate his ears.

Shaking myself from my thoughts I decided on going upstairs, I still hadn't unpacked my belongings so I made my way to the spare room and looked around. It was very open and bright, white walls made it look bigger than it was and there was an on suite bathroom which I thanked my lucky stars for.

It was a beautiful room, there is a king size bed with some luxurious white, pinched looking sheets covering it making it look quite expensive, trailing my eyes across I then saw a dressing table that had the most beautiful shimmer of glitter covering the frames of the mirror that perched on top of it.

Did Henry arrange all of this for me? After all I doubt Henry would be needing a dressing table, though don't get me wrong if he likes that, then he likes that.

Dancing my fingers across the surfaces of the furniture that reside in this room I plopped myself down onto my new bed, the mattress instantly morphing my shape making me sink in like quick sand. This was as close to Heaven I think I could get.

"I'm going to order take out, do you want anything?" Henry asked intently as he peered from behind the door. Nodding lightly in response I suddenly felt the urge to talk with Henry, properly.

"Can we talk?"

Henry contemplated my request, he looked very unsure if he should talk with me which made me feel like I had truly hurt his feelings somehow.

"What do you want to talk about?"

A dip was felt beside me as Henry joined me on my bed, his hands twiddling against one another as he looked to the floor. I could tell something was definitely bothering him and I wanted to find out what it was.

"You're acting distant towards me since I rejected you, I'm worried about you Henry.."

Henry hitched a breath, turning his body to face me. "I'm not distant towards you because of that, I'm not worried about rejection from you. I simply just feel uncomfortable in this whole situation. It's starting to hit home"

Nodding in agreement I could understand what Henry meant and it made my gaze soften upon him. Grabbing his hand tenderly I squeezed it. "I understand Henry. This situation is weird. I don't expect anything from you. I hope you know that"

Squeezing my hand back he also gave me the same softened gaze "I won't expect anything from you either. I was just having fun is all, it took my mind off things and now I don't have that. It's so strange"

Least I understood what was racing through his head now, it wasn't to do with me and least that reassured me I wasn't as awful as I once thought. "Henry look, I would love to be your distraction and I can understand why you feel this way. But I love Tom and I believe he loves me too.."

Biting on his lips slightly he let out a deep breath of air "you're lucky. The woman I love, her name is Chloe. She wants nothing to do with me now. I hope everything goes well for you both. Truly."

Smiling weakly at him I could feel the hurt residing in his body, the same hurt I was too accompanied with myself. If it wasn't for Tom I definitely would leap into his arms and cuddle him for hours, it's not kind on anyone to be feeling that way. "Thank you Henry. I'm sorry things didn't work out for you.."

"It's not that it didn't work out Melanie, it's more of the fact she knew I would be a frontline ticket to the paparazzi. She didn't want that life. Even before you came along we found it difficult. She didn't enjoy the limelight and for once in my life I regretted even pursuing my career that I have now. So of course knowing I was going to marry a different woman which would be plastered everywhere deeply upset her. Though we do still love one another. It just never will be our time"

The realisation began to hit me again, that even if me and Tom could somehow pull through this I would be tormented by the new luxury lifestyle I was gifted from Mr Cavill himself. I would have to be so careful with every minute trying to spend time with Tom. It scared me.

I paled in colour, feeling my fingers twiddle instinctively across one another as if I was trying to ease the anxiety flooding my brain.

I didn't know what to respond after what Henry said, instead I decided to wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. Though I felt even this was too much and I was being disloyal. After all I still couldn't explain why Henry made my stomach flip with excitement and nerves.

"So what take out are you treating us to?"

Henry looked taken back at my sudden subject change, a glimpse of hurt on his face as if I didn't care about his problems. Realising how awful it was of me not to respond I grabbed his cheek softly, feeling his stubble ever so slightly prick the palm of my hand.

"If you love her Henry then there is always a way. You're going to be okay"

Henry closed his eyes briefly before reopening them, his eyes glassy with tears wanting to flood. This hurt my heart, I didn't want to see him upset so I took my hand and caught the tear flowing from the corner of his eye.

I had never seen a man become so vulnerable in-front of me, the emotions he expressed with no fear of judgment made my heart melt. It was attractive to see this side of him, even though it was of course not something I wished him to feel.

"I will always be here Henry. You will never be alone"

Henry seemed to truly appreciate the comfort showing in my words to the point he pulled me in for another hug, though this time he indulged every last inch of me as if I was the last person in the world he could trust. The familiar feeling of butterflies arose in the pit of my stomach making me so badly want to push him away, though I continued. Knowing he needed this, he needed someone there for him.

Pulling away finally after what felt like an eternity I unknowingly gazed upon those plush lips of his, the ones that would give me the most cheekiest smirks. The lips that I could imagine pressing against mine taking me to a place I've never been to before. Pure ecstasy.

I felt the same gaze upon my lips, heat burned up within me making me gulp harshly, this feeling was all too intense and I was worried I would end up actually kissing him.

Henry drew closer towards me, his lips now inches away from my own. I didn't know how to react, I didn't know if I wanted to push him away or instead allow him to do it. My mind felt like it was compressed with so many emotions that it was unbearable.

"H-Henry. We can't kiss" I stammered, mustering up all the courage I had.

Henry sighed knowing I was correct, nodding reluctantly and placing his forehead against mine in defeat. "You do crazy things to me Melanie"

I didn't know what he meant by that but I feel like it wouldn't be long until I found out.

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