Skeletons In The Closet.. Body In The Basement...

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(Trigger warnings! This chapter may be uncomfortable for some. Mentions of rape and abuse, graphic descriptions, and just otherwise proceed with caution. You've been warned.)


Traumatic Event:

Something that shouldn't have to happen, but feels like it always does..

“You don’t want to eat breakfast first?” Jin frowned, holding up a pan of eggs as you shoved your feet into the heels of hell, your bag nearly falling off of your shoulder.

“Sorry Jinnie, not today. I’m late,” you puffed, out of breath from throwing on decent clothes in a matter of seconds. 

You had passed out before setting your alarm, nearly sleeping in entirely if not for Tae— not so gently —pushing you from the bed with his knees and feet. Whether he did it on purpose or not was up for debate, but you supposed you owed him a thank you for waking you up in just enough time to make it to work.

“You’re going to get sick. At least take this lunch I made for you,” the cheetah frowned, quickly grabbing a bag from the fridge before running to catch you on your way out the door.

“Oh! Thank you! You’re a lifesaver.” You kissed his cheek before spinning on your heels and darting down the stairs to your car, only laughing at Jin’s bugged eyes and red ears once you were safely inside and driving away.

Traffic was merciful for once as you made it to work in record time, sweating and panting from the run from the parking garage to the office. You quickly punched in and took your seat at your desk, tossing your bag underneath it just as your favorite bug popped his head over the half wall.

“Y/n! I don’t think I’ve ever seen you late before. Should we commemorate the occasion?” Brayden snickered, pulling out his phone to take a photo of your disheveled appearance.

“Oh shut up, I forgot to set my alarm,” you grumbled, fixing your bed head.

“You look like you had a rough night. You good? Need some vitamin D?” He smirked, making you shake your head, rolling your eyes.

“I need some pesticide, is what I’m thinking.”

“Ouch, baby,” Brayden held his hand to his heart, his face pinching like he ate something sour. “I’ve been so good to you. I even brought you coffee.”

“Not your baby, but I’ll take that coffee, thanks,” you laughed, reaching for the cup he dangled over the wall, though he pulled it out of reach at the last second.

“I’ll give it to you if you have lunch with me,” He winked, waiting expectantly with mirth in his eyes.

With a groan of defeat, you tutted, sitting back in your chair. “Fine, but we’re eating in the cafeteria.”

“Deal.” Nodding, the brunette finally passed you the promised coffee, the warm liquid hitting the spot as you took a testing sip. After years of working together, it was no surprise he knew exactly how you liked your coffee. Lots of cream and sugar.

With his objective satisfied, he left you to your work as you got into the familiar routine of typing away, mindlessly editing skin deep stories you had no particular interest in that sometimes seemed like they were written by children. You would much rather work on the K.E.Y situation, but you had deadlines to fulfill and that project was too large to tackle in time, so you were forced to work on it at home in your own time.

You spent the majority of your hours researching a controversy about some skin care item using animal products despite claiming veganism; so when time came for lunch, you couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. If you had to read one more Karen comment, you were going to shoot yourself. With a crack of your sore knuckles and neck, you stood before grabbing your bag and lunch Jin had made before making your way to the cafeteria. You had promised Brayden after all.

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