Some Ghosts Are So Quiet, You Would Hardly Know They Were There

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Missing Person

An individual that can't be found or contacted by family and friends for any length of time unusual to their behavior. Perhaps by a voluntary disappearance, a kidnapping, or due to an accident, crime, or death in a location where they cannot be found.

To say that things were all better would be a gross overstatement, but you had to count your blessings that they were at least getting better. You had set up Jungkook’s hang bar and bench press; ones you'd purchased with the bare minimum help from Hobi and Jimin picking out, then laid out the varying weights for him to choose from. The bunny practically vibrated with excitement each time he picked up a dumbbell, testing out the different levels, all but ignoring the phone you'd gifted them all.

And the phones were a whole different story. After the short fiasco of teaching everyone how to navigate them, you set up their trackers before letting them go at it, exploring the pieces of technology at their discretion as they dispersed. You practically welcomed everything to settle down when it finally did.

Of course Namjoon’s behavior was still a little distant, exceedingly better than it had been, but he mostly kept his nose shoved in his books. Or hid out in his room. It was an improvement from feeling like you couldn't breathe around the lion at least, but Taehyung did a complete one-eighty, reverting back into the man-toddler you knew he could be—if not more obnoxiously so.

Just like the time he had made a ruckus at the mall and upset you, he began clinging to you like he was afraid you would fall apart if he let you go. Wherever you went, he followed, the ever-present shadow either hot on your heels or clinging to your shirt, then latching onto you with any given moment to scent you. It was sweet, but it had gotten to the point where you would hide in the shower just to escape him. Even had to start locking the door because of one particular occasion when you went to shower and the tiger had waltzed in, gearing up to join you. Thankfully the curtain was drawn and your yelling got the other hybrid’s attentions' so they could pull the angrily snapping baby from the room where you would hear his confused complaints all the way from the bathroom.

Hobi became clingier as well, wanting to cuddle every night before bed and scenting you in subtle ways like a kiss to the hand or holding you close and spoiling you with hugs and when no one was around, the occasional nuzzle or two. He was gradually becoming your sunshine. The only part of your life that felt safe and whole while on the inside you were falling apart over Milly’s disappearance, work, and Namjoon still acting cold. He had steadily become your rock.

Over the weeks he was always where you needed him when you came home, ready for snuggles and would give you all the massages and food one could ask for with the help of Jin. The two of them took care of the others as best they could while you set your focus toward researching K.E.Y.

It was late when you had just gotten out of class—an extremely interesting lesson on the formations of anatomy and their purposes in the different hybrids—when a happy bunny bounded up to you the moment you walked through the apartment door, barely giving you time to take off your jacket.

“Noona! We can go now right?” Jungkook beamed, already dressed for your routine workout. His slowly rounding face looked much healthier than it had when you first got him back. It also reminded you that you needed to stop by the food pantry on Saturday. Something you've started doing that's been helping significantly with their Godzilla level appetites.

With an exaggerated sigh, you bit back a smile at his eagerness before setting your bag aside to gently push the bulk of the bunny out of the entrance way. “Okay, okay. Let me go grab my clothes.”

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