Duct Tape The Cracks

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“Stop it,” you hissed, clutching the phone to your ear, “Yoongi, put it down.”

The wolf in question’s ear merely twitched in your direction as he picked up a fairy statue to sniff; one of the many statues your neighbor seemed to collect. Too tired for any more problems for the day, you pinched the bridge of your nose until the voice on the other end of the line pulled your attention back to the task at hand, his bellowing laughter bringing your sizzling temper to a boil.

“Am I a joke to you?” You muttered, batting at Yoongi’s curious hands as he reached for your neighbor’s photographs.

“Sorry,” Ashton chuckled, not sounding apologetic at all. “It’s just, it’s so unlike you. You usually have a good head on your shoulders, so you doing something so cute as locking all your stuff—including your keys—is surprising.”

Heat rose to your cheeks, which you were quick to hide from prying coal eyes. “Well.. it’s been a rough couple of months.”

Silence followed when Ashton grunted in acknowledgment. He must have also been feeling Milly’s absence, but he was too strong to show it. Static crackled in your ear as he sighed into the receiver, the distant sound of keys being picked up and shoes being put on giving you hope.

“Alright, I’ll be over in a bit. Have to alert the ball and chain, you know?”

You frowned at his ‘term of endearment’ he used for his girlfriend, having never heard him use that term before. Trouble in paradise?

“Thank you.”

With that, you hung up before turning a glare over to your wolf who was sauntering off into the kitchen while you strived for patience. It had been a rough morning from the time you woke up at the butt ass crack of dawn, jolted from your relatively peaceful slumber in a tangle of limbs, trapped between two hybrids who were simultaneously snoring and purring in your ears.

Namjoon, looking exhausted and haggard, wearing clothes that were too small for his long limbs had stalked in, about to change out of Taehyung’s shirt when he stopped, catching sight of your swollen eyes in the mirror. There was a tension in his eyes; a rubber band being pulled taut in the golden hues that took on a dull, lifeless quality to them.

Your throat was thick with emotion and words you wanted to express, but couldn’t find the voice as you both stared, feeling a hundred miles apart from each other. The vague feeling of there being a rift you developed grew, becoming more prominent like a bitter taste in your mouth. Which turned out to be justified as his steely gaze slid away from yours, his hands falling away from the shirt.

In frigid silence, he made a point of turning the heater on and climbing into his bed, a low rumble like the motor of a boat filled the silence, making your baby hairs stand on end. A lion’s warning, you realized with no amount of uncertainty. He was giving you a chance to leave, so you took it, weedling out from underneath clutching limbs, stopping just to gently wake a grumbling Jimin.

With a sleepy pout, the fox slid from the bed grudgingly, his face swollen from sleep sending a guilty pang through your chest for having to wake him. You took his hand, leading him past the lion laying stiffly in his bed, arms crossed while his tail curled around him.

There was no getting back to sleep after that. After you had put Jimin to bed, you laid on the couch, staring blankly at the pile of wood in front of your face until it was roughly time for work. You decided to call out, reaching for your phone, only to find it missing. You searched the bathroom, the living room, and the kitchen. By then Yoongi had woken up to make breakfast, greeting you with a grumbled, “the fuck you doin’ this early?”

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