Cleaning The Wound Is Often More Painful Than The Cut Itself

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Suggestive to an animal that's reverted back to a wild state, no longer domesticated or cultivated, especially with corresponding behavior. Actions are based on instinct and impulse alone.

Things you've been needing to remind yourself lately..
Somehow you'd completely forgotten the waivers.

“That’s right, seven,” you repeated to the prepubescent featured cashier as he typed away behind his company computer before his sleepy grey eyes flicked back to your face from the screen.

“And you want these added to your current phone plan?” The same bored, condescending tone was used just as he’d asked you for the quantity and style needed. Especially when he asked you to repeat the amount as though he didn’t believe you the first time and thought it made more sense that you were a dumb woman who didn’t possibly know how to count money..

“That’s correct,” you confirmed, glancing away from the brunette’s typing to check on your hybrids who had been patiently waiting by the shopping bags.

Hobi stood with his back against the store’s counter, crouched just enough so his elbows rested on the glass showcase, left hand idly playing with the material of his leash while his right fumbled around with something inside his pocket. Jimin stood directly in front of the snow leopard, head tilted back studying the tiled ceiling before a hand rose to run ring clad fingers through his blonde fringe; the very same rings a certain fox begged you for almost as soon as you entered the mall, using his baby blues which you quickly found out were irresistible to deny for anything.

He must have felt your eyes on him because the fox turned his head at that moment, a precious grin sketched on his face once he realized you were staring; his tongue darting out to moisten his lips before he gave a cocky little head wiggle while his brows rose in teasing curiosity. Ears forward and alert for your undivided attention.

“And how will you be paying for these?” You quickly glanced away when the cashier spoke, clearing your throat as you fumbled with your wallet, mumbling ‘credit’ then slapping down your card.

The cashier’s eyes lit up like Christmas with dumbfounded surprise, his mouth dropping open a little as he reached for the plastic, nodding before he swiped it into their system. No doubt his sales quota was reached for the rest of the month by just your transaction alone.

Once everything was finalized, and you started to pack the cellphone boxes into a bag, the boy kept thanking you for your business, something that quickly grew annoying. It took Hoseok intervening by taking the bag from you and putting the last two boxes inside while casting the guy a deadpan glance before the boy decided to stop.

On your way out, Jimin slipped his arm through yours, his tail brushing against your thigh as you walked. “Noona, why do we need these?”

“They’re exactly like the phone I have. I have no way of contacting you guys if we’re not together, so this is an easy way for us to get a hold of each other just in case we need to. Especially now between my classes and me most likely taking Jungkook to the gym on the weekends. Also, like.. if I’m at work and there’s an emergency.” You patted his arm before your fingers found his, tethering them together to hang loosely between you.

“Oh~” Hobi murmured, not really paying much attention to your conversation as you passed a clothing store that had caught his eye. Jimin popped up over your shoulder with a gasp, your previous conversation long forgotten.

“Noona~ Can we—”

“No guys,” you answered before they could rope you into another store since they’d been successfully doing it all day. “I’ve already bought you both too much today. I doubt I have any money left after the phones. Besides, we have to get back to the apartment before the equipment and t.v. are delivered. It’s already sometime after three.”

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