Hobi Hates Heights... Noted

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"I hate it," Seokjin whisper-whined into the pillow you were stuck sharing, voice muffled and barely audible as his parka that he simply refused to remove rustled somewhere in the darkness. You had your back to the cheetah but you could still imagine his signature pout and drooping ears to match.

"I know you do right now, but tomorrow you might have fun on the slopes. There's a lot to do," you whispered back, pulling the blanket higher over your chin. The bunk was tiny so no matter how you moved or laid you were ultimately going to be pressed against one another with Jin practically radiating heat. It was hard to wrap your head around how he was cold when his body was so hot all the time. "Now let's try to get some sleep before you wake anyone, especially my loud ass aunt."

"But Y/n~ There's no heater in this place. I want to go home." He sulked with dragged out syllables, sliding his arms around your waist to hug you even closer to his chest for added warmth, apparently trying to steal your body heat. 

"Well there's the fireplace downstairs, and-," your body stiffened the moment his icy nose touched the nape of your neck, causing you to erupt in involuntary shivers. "Jin your nose is a freaking glacier, what the..l," you tried to whisper-yell, becoming tangled up with the blanket and his long limbs.

"I know, so stop moving," he shushed against your skin, pressing his nose and plush lips harder into your goosebumped skin until you felt his breathing force itself to shift flow from his nose to his mouth, his jaw dropped and exhaling hot air along your prickling hairs. The reverb of his familiar pur rumbled to life as he caged your thighs with his, the warmth formed between your bodies fueling his faint puttering into a full blown motorboat. 

After a length of silence passed, his voice vibrated against your neck and back, "about that fireplace downstairs, can we sleep there?" It took everything in you not to snort, so you pulled the blanket higher to your nose to hide the amused giggle that slipped. 

Tucking your toes in the blanket away from the cold draft, you tutted before shaking your head with a yawn. "No, I don't think they'd allow that, but you can probably nap down there tomorrow," you mused, chewing your lip in consideration. "But please, try to sleep. We have to be up in a few hours."

"Yeah, yeah," he grumbled. "Night Y/n." 

"Goodnight, Seokjin," you murmured sleepily with a pat on the back of his hand which rested contently on your belly before allowing another yawn slip.

It wasn’t long until you were lulled into restful sleep by his purrs, the radiating warmth encapsulating you into a soft bubble that swept you away into darkness. Gentle and sweet.

"Y/n!" Your mother's shrill voice burst through your head, instantly killing dreams of domestic bliss and copious amounts of food.

No sooner than you came to, a sharp thud made you wince, followed by Jin’s loud cries from behind you, snapping your eyes open to the comotion. Rolling over, you found Jin on the floor next to the bed, eyes wide and dilated with Nadine standing over you, face red and contorted by indignation. You could practically see smoke fuming from the corners of her mouth as she seethed; a sight that made you shrivel under her gaze.

“What is this?” She demanded on a hiss, oblivious to various members of your family either sneaking around her to make a quick exit or gaping in morbid fascination while the show unfolded.

Ignoring the familiar tremors in your hands, you quickly shuffled from the bed to soothe Jin’s head that he obviously smacked pretty hard. “What?” You defended as you pet his hair, hating how you sounded like a broken record of your teen years and constant battles.

“You know what,” Nadine barked, her tone low but strained. “You brought one of your mongrels? After what happened last time?” Her eyes finally darted to your audience, a forced smile breaking her granite expression. “Excuse us. I barely know what to do with this girl.”

SeVen Uncaged :The Second ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now