Ghosts, Goblins, Hybrids & Ghouls

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Looking forward to or expecting an outcome, especially one that's strongly desired.

You'd been finding yourself hopeful lately, something you hadn't felt in quite some time.

The ride back in the torture tank was especially interesting with the addition of the pumpkins and “borrowed” goods. Jungkook was happily singing to himself, swallowed up by his massive pumpkin resting in his lap. His glowing green glasses were only one of the many distractions in the car as the pile of hybrids bickered and complained over the lack of space in the already too small of a vehicle.

It was around one forty when you pulled into the parking garage. Most of the boys had already fallen asleep, and the ones who were awake either looked like they were barely hanging on or were your insomniacs.

You killed the engine before awkwardly stumbling from the vehicle, Hoseok barely catching your arm to keep you from eating dirt before he stretched out his long, imaginably stiff legs then climbed out himself, his half-asleep hooded eyes gently reflecting warm light as he pulled you into his arms.

Before you could pull away, you were briskly pinned between his body and the car door. Eyes meeting the ceiling, you held still as the leopard’s breath fanned over the bared skin of your neck, raising your baby hairs. You were expecting a nuzzle from your gentle leopard, so you were nearly startled out of your skin when his heated tongue pressed flat against your pulse, slowly dragging a long wet strip all the way up your neck and along your jaw.

Blinking in shock, you stared at the flat grey ceiling, counting light fixtures to distract from the sensations making your heart skip beats. An admirable effort until his low purr of satisfaction as he pressed his lips and nose roughly into your pulse point sent your stomach into skittering backflips. You swallowed, listening as he breathed in deeply with a satisfied hum before slowly licking another path of saliva along your skin, hot breath sending chills over the wet trail, popping waves of goosebumps along your neck and arms while squirming and holding your breath.

You figured he must have been needing grounding after such a stressful night of constant scares, so you didn’t want to push him away despite the flush of heat suffusing your body. Thankfully you were given a reprieve as the echoes of doors closing put an end to your suffering and Hoseok finally stopped, giving one last sniff with a grunt of approval then pulling back to look at you, eyes half-lidded and red with exhaustion but warm and soft with admiration.

You gave him a small smile before an ‘ahem’ pulled your gaze over his shoulder where the others gathered, watching you with intensity.

“Can we go inside now?” Namjoon’s voice—thick and gravelly from sleep—echoed off the cold stone walls.

Clearing your own throat, you very gently pushed on Hoseok’s shoulder to give yourself space to slip from his arms, walking around towards the trunk for a much needed distraction from their piercing gazes and your pounding heart. "Come on, let’s get everything inside."

They hesitated at first, but within minutes, you hauled everything into your waiting, warm home. The boys—completely wiped out—gave their goodnights after putting everything away, then retreated to their rooms. Even your night owls wasted no time heading to bed, Taehyung and Jungkook eagerly pulling you by your arms to your shared room. Not that they had to try very hard. You were just as dead to the world and the second you collapsed into the welcoming soft mattress, you were already out cold.

"Y/n, wake up. It's Halloween~" Jin flopped on the mattress beside you, startling you awake.

Your exhausted eyes peeled themselves open only to come face-to-face with a jarring white sheet staring back at you. Jerking back and nearly falling off the bed, you stared at the handmade ghost costume, blinking at Jin while your heart rate returned to normal and your sleepy brain caught up.

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