Bonus Chapter: Hybrids POV

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He hadn’t meant for all the humans to explode. Taehyung didn’t know exactly what he wanted other than to give Y/n a hard time, but as he sat watching her get berated by the harpy, he felt increasingly bad; irritated as his jaw clamped shut. Torn between protecting Y/n and remaining indifferent so his mate would see just how much she’d been tormenting him.

Seriously... Why was she even entertaining the other hybrids when he was all that she needed.

His ears lowered, tail flicking in uncomfortable agitation while listening to the unfolding scene, taking another bite from the strange bread he was given. The snow leopard also exploded, placing the blame on Tae, which he had to admit he might’ve taken it too far this time, but all be damned if he was going to admit it in front of the others.

The tiger glared down at the food, fork in mouth, but he wouldn’t show weakness towards the other predator. Regardless if Hoseok was right. Instead, he huffed and turned his head away as if he wasn’t listening, but his attention was brought back to all the commotion when Y/n ran out of the eating area.

His heart plummeted, nearly jumping to run after her but he thought better of it.

He hated that feeling.

It was too quiet until she came back, but then she was gone again, running out of the entrance and into the storm after the leopard. The rabbit nudged him with his elbow, giving a light scolding that he hadn’t heard a word of. The rabbit had some nerve to scold him after that scenting episode. It was his fault to begin with that this trip started off badly.

Still, he couldn’t fully find it in him to be actually mad at the bunny. It was Y/n that he was upset with, not Jungkook.

Everyone was tense, so none of the hybrids ate. They all just sat there, waiting for someone to free them from invisible bonds. Taehyung was the first.

He had enough, so he calmly left the room, even though inside, there was nothing calm about him. He was upset. Why did humans get so mad over stupid things? Why did Y/n even talk to that harpy so much? He didn’t understand the concept of mother . He hadn’t seen his own since he was a cub, but if they all were like that, he figured he was better off. He grunted in thought as he aimlessly walked.

“They’ve been gone a while hm?” Jimin hummed, sprawled out on Yoongi’s bunk because it smelled like Y/n. The fox missed her terribly anytime she was away. His heart hurt thinking about it. He wondered if she missed him as much as he always did for her. Jimin frowned, shoving his face into her pillow.

“Taehyung, you went too far this time,” Namjoon scolded to the tiger’s back as he laid in his bunk, orange and black tail bobbing up and down; the only sign that he was even awake to hear the lion.

“They’ll sort it out and come back, don’t think too much about it,” Yoongi muttered, nose in his book and flipping to a new page.

Jimin frowned at the wolf, not liking the idea of his noona being out in that storm for too long. “Noona must be cold..” He pouted, earning a pat on the head by an equally disconcerted Jin.

“Let’s just try to be patient. We’ll go look for them if they don’t turn up soon,” the cheetah reassured.

“Okay..” With a heavy sigh, Jimin sat up and tried to put on a brave face as he slid into his favorite slippers noona had bought him. “I’m still hungry since I didn’t get to eat because of someone , so I’m going to get some food. Anyone else want anything?”

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