Chapter 1

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((December 31st, 11:24 PM))


The audience chanted while Sanzu, Ran and Rindou were chugging bottles of Soju.

The group decided to go to The Glass House to celebrate New Year's after completing their missions.

You all arrived at 10:55 pm when Sanzu started giving everyone bottles.

They had been going at it for about 30 minutes before Sanzu suggested that they see who can drink a whole bottle the fastest.

And next thing they know, they're all by the bar, having their contest while people nearby watched.

Takeomi- "Why is he always like this?"

Mochi- "Don't act like you didn't know..."

Suki- "I'm pretty sure it helps him cope.."

Kokonoi- "Cope with what? He's already insane."

They all hum.

You take a sip of your bottle and then you leaned back on the couch.

You are on your 3rd bottle of Soju and you're feeling pretty buzzed.

But honestly you only drank because everyone else was and you didn't want to be the party pooper.

You thought this New Years Eve party would he fun, but you just weren't in the mood to party.

Not that you are anyways.

You thought by now your mood would come back but sadly.

It hasn't.

"Are you okay?"

You look over and saw Mochi standing in front if you, handing you a glass of what you hoped is water.

You- "Yeah, I'm just pretty tired.."

You said while taking the glass and sipping it.

Relieved that it is water.

Mochi- "Yeah, today's mission was pretty frustrating.

You- "Yeah..."

You looked over at the bar while drinking out of your cup and saw the trio were starting to push and shove each other.

Takeomi, Kakucho and Suki trying to break them up while they are arguing with each other.

You- "My god they're so drunk..."

Mochi chuckles.

Mochi- "At least they haven't pulled their guns out."

You- "I doubt they're THAT stupid.."

Mochi- "You'd be surprised.."

You drank the rest of the water then stood up.

Mochi- "Where are you going?"

You- "I think I'm going to turn in for the night."

Kokonoi- "You don't want to stay for the countdown?"

You shake your head.

You- "I'll see you guys tomorrow.."

Without another word you head towards the back exit, opening the door and walking towards one of the BMWs.

"Heading back?"

You- "Yeah...take me home please."

The driver nods and opens the car door for you.

Closing the door after you exit then gets into the driver's seat.

The car slowly backing up from its parking spot and leaving the club.

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