Chapter 23

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Rindou hangs up the call and pinches the bridge of his nose after Sanzu finally discussing the rest of the situation to Sanzu.

It took him a long time for him to stop laughing and choking on his own saliva that he was tempted to hang up right then and there.

But he had to talk to someone about the situation.

And since Sanzu and Suki were at the hideout first, he thought that they would've found (Y/N) or know of her whereabouts by now.

But nope.

If he knows them well enough.

They probably had a heated disagreement.

He couldn't help but facepalm at that because he had high expectations from them.

Considering that they are the most serious during missions.

Just not when they're alone apparently...

Ran- "Are you okay brother?"

Rindou lets out an annoyed sigh and lets go of the bridge of his nose.

Rindou- "Remind me WHY we decided to call HIM?"

Ran- "Because if we call Mikey then he might think we're betraying him?"

Rindou- "Who knows....We're still suspicious of him...But if he keeps his word and (Y/N) is okay then maybe we can just kill him right then and there..."

Ran- "I don't know brother....You have to keep in kind that they are very close after all..."

Rindou sighs deeply as he stays in thought for a moment.

Ran then places his hand on his shoulder, giving him his signature smile.

Ran- "We have to catch up with them."

Rindou runs his fingers through his hair then hums.

Soon Rindou starts walking towards the path, Ran following after him.

Rindou- "I still think we should kill him...."

Rindou says while they entered the passage.

Ran chuckles a bit and hums.

Ran- "Patience brother, maybe once the mission is done...then we can kill him....or better yet...Why not let (Y/N) decide if we should or not?"

They both kept on walking for a bit before Rindou spoke up.

Rindou- "What if (Y/N) doesn't want us to?"

Ran- "Hmm?"

Rindou- "What if she still cares?"

Ran stops and stays quiet.

Rindou- "She was mad when she came here......What if she's not mad anymore?"


Rindou- "If we just kill him right then and there...What will happen to the mission if she hates us for murdering him?"

Ran thinks for a moment then sighs.

Ran- "I hate this brother.....But if what you say is true....Then we'll just have to wait..."







"But if she's dead when we find her.."


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