Chapter 20-what changed?

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Delilah's POV
One year later
"Delilah get the f*** up!" Cheshire drug me from my warm comfy bed and into the living room. The Tv was paused "watch" she hissed and played it. The anchor woman came up, she was outside a hospital.

"Mr. North of North Co. Has passed away today in his mansion where he was found by his youngest grandson" she said, a picture of Mr. North came up. "Grandpa" I whispered as the tears ran down my face. "In his will he left his billionaire company to his youngest grandson, who is eighteenth" the lady ranted. I couldn't contain myself, I burst into tears, Cheshire let me cry on her shoulder.

Just yesterday we were having coffee me playing his panino and singing for him. I'd known Grant North for a whole year, he took me in and treated me like a granddaughter. And now he's gone. Kinda off topic but with his help, I completed therapy. "Mr. North has left his fortune to a special girl, as he stated in his will" this caught my attention.

A picture of me popped up, my new blue, pink, and purple hair that Cheshire did. I gapped at the screen, he left his money to me? Out of all people? And his youngest grandson his business? "Back to you Tom" she signed off "get dressed we are going" I sniffled and moved sluggishly to my room.

I wore my Harvard sweater, skinny jeans and boots, I threw my hair in a fish tail and put on my glasses. Cheshire opened her arms and flung myself in them, sobs shook my body as she tried to soothe me. "Shh, he wouldn't want you to be sad. He is in a better place now" she cooed.

I felt dizzy, but I didn't say anything to her. Apparently when I hit my head I caused permanent damage. So I'm stuck like this.

Why would Grant leave me his fortune? He has kids, but why me? And his grandson, why did he leave him the company? He told me he was going to leave his company to his oldest son.

What changed?

Cole's POV
I sat in shock staring at the news, Ace Colleens was left with billions? She knew Grant North, founder of the North Company, he owned hotels, shops, cars, basically and empire. Asher also stared at the Tv, his eyes lovey dovey, god he is the worst. He claims he loves her, he doesn't even know her?

A part of me felt angered at him, the other sad. My phone rang and I absent answered the call "hey man did you see?!" Luca yelled in my ear "yeah" I said and got up. I went outside and light a cigaret and took a deep inhaled, "COLE!" Luca yelled causing me to flinch and snap from my thoughts.

"Sorry" I exhaled and watched the smoke roll off my lips. Hadn't seen Delilah in a year, and I have recently started smoking. Only a month in, I chuckled bitterly to myself and inhaled again. "She kinda looks like her though" Luca said thoughtfully. It clicked.

Her face, the eyes, the piercings, smile, dimples.

It couldn't be, she was gone for good. "Yeah" I kicked the dirt the cig hanging from my lip, "but she ain't her" he snorted. Even after a year they still hated Delilah, but not me. I can still hear her singing.

Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl, tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true

I smiled at that, sometime I wonder what changed with her. How she was doing, if she found someone. A pang hit me in the heart, even after a year without her I can't find myself to let her go. Stomping the cigarette out I walked back inside and to my room.

I sat on my bed and picked up a photo of her, I ran a thumb over her face. A face I couldn't seem to forget. A face I longed to see. A face that haunts me. She was smiling in this photo, I had found it on her phone. She was beautiful, no glasses, her hair down and a smile on her face.

A question lingered in my head what changed?
Pic of Grant's grandson, who had yet to be named! Played by Bernardo Valseco

Delilah's new hair!

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