Chapter One

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Waking up in the morning was hard, especially since I had gotten little to no sleep. My brothers, Luca and Jordan, had thrown a party while my parents were gone on a business trip.

All night people had pounded on my door, music shook the windows of the house. To the point where I thought they were going to shatter.  Outside my door I could hear people laughing, kissing.

When I emerged from my room the house smelled of vomit, sex, sweat, drugs, and alcohol. I had to plug my nose and dance to the stair case, red solos cups littered the hall way.

When I successfully made it to the kitchen I looked at mess. Empty bottles of liquor, food everywhere, and the sink reeked of puke. I was too afraid to even open the fridge at this point.

So I settled for an apple that sat on a bowl on top of the fridge. Happily munching on that I retreat to my room silently, careful not to wake up my brothers. Dressing for school was easy, leggings and a hoodie.

I always wore this, it was to not draw attention to myself. People already pay enough attention when my brothers get involved. All they do is stare and laugh, a few even chime in.

God I hate it.

Slipping on the usual black leggings and a light grey Nike hoodie I spritz on some warm vanilla perfume. I throw my phone into my pocket and grab some socks, along with my maroon backpack before heading down stairs again.

This time Jordan was in the living room, shirtless. He was looking around while scratching his head as if it would help him remember last night. Silently I slip on my socks and grab my black Nike's before slipping out the door.

School was a fifteen minute walk from my house, and I enjoyed it. There was no one outside because it was 'cold' and 'wet', but actually it was fairly warm for this time of year.

November was just beginning, and the trees were changing color. Orange, brown,many red leaves swirled in the wind creating a rustling noise. All round me it smelled like earth after rain, my favorite scent.

A lone car passed on my left, and beside that my street was dead. We lived in a big house in the suburbs, just like the people around my family was rich. They are, I however am not.

My brother choose to flaunt their richness around the school, just like everyone else. I hate it, but I don't hate them. No matter how hard I try and can't hate them. Even after all they have done, said, I can't.

I was raised by them, I was taught things. With and without them. And I will always be grateful for my parents, even thought at one point they stopped being my parents. They have taught me everything I know today.

They made me who I am.

Family is forever.


People hustled and bustled in the hallways of the school, I leaned against my locker holding my phone in my hand while scrolling through my music. No one had bothered me so far, and it brought unease into the pit of my stomach.

My brothers and their clique stood many lockers away, laughing at something. Suddenly Asher looks up and smiles at me, I blush bright red and drop my gaze to my phone.

Someone bumps shoulders with mine, sending my phone flying to the floor. With quick reflexes I snatch my phone mid drop and glare at the person who bumped me. I came face to face with Kristen.

Immediately I drop my defensive act and shrink back away from her, she had a very intimidating aura. 

"Hello Delilah" she cackled in her high pitched voice.

"Hello Kristen" I say smoothly, my voice not wavering. She smirks at this and looks me up and down.

"Gain some weight fat ass?" She taunts, from behind I'm shoved to the floor. I catch myself on my palms, earning floor burns. A loud crunching sound comes from my left and I look to see a foot on my phone.

Tears sting my eyes as I look up, Jordan grinned down at me.

"Oops" he chuckles, kicking my phone to me. Gingerly I pick it up and frown down at it. It was a shitty phone anyways. Getting to my feet I pocket my phone and keep my gaze on the floor.

The bell rings above us and Kristen frowns.

"Saved by the bell" she snarls at me. A large weight is lifted off my shoulders and I try to scurry off, but a cold, bony hand catches my wrist at the last second. Their grip is hard, and nails dig into my flesh.

"Don't think for a second this is over" Kristen hisses before legging my wrist go and sashaying away.

I watch her go, a thousand things flooding my mind.

What was she planning?

With my head swimming I stumble to class, only the worst on my mind.

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