Chapter 40-she knows

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For the people who couldn't see chapter 40 :)
Delilah's POV

I ran out of the hotel room and down the stairs, we were on the second floor thank god. The tears that left my eyes blurred my vision as I ran out of the lobby and out into the chilly night.

The road wasn't busy, just the occasional passing car. Stepping into street I slowly walk across the crosswalk,no cars in sight. With shaky hands I search my pocket for my phone, I come up empty.

"Ace look out!" I hear Blake shout, turning my head I see him on the sidewalk looking at me with wide eyes. The adrenaline was pumping in my veins, everything seemed to go slow.

First I heard the tires squealing on the pavement. Next was the excruciating pain in my hips and below. I didn't have time to scream because my head cracked against the pavement and it was game over.

Blake's POV

Delilah stood in the middle of the street searching through her pockets. Stepping. On the curb I could see light approaching, fast. "Ace look out!" I scream but it was to late. The car hit her straight on the hips.

She didn't scream she just fell to the pavement, her head hitting it. Adrenaline was pumping in my veins, but fear overcame it. "Ace!" I scream and run into the street, I drop to my hands and knees and pull her head into my lap.

The car door opens and the driver steps out, "I'm so sorry!" A female voice squeaks. I lift my head, she had blonde hair and brown eyes. Her eyes filled with tears as she looked at Ace.

"Call 911" I say calmly, "I already did they will be here soon" she replied in a shaky voice. People from the lobby rush into the street, they look down at Ace in horror. "Are you okay?" I ask the woman.

"I-I'm fine" she cries. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see her standing there!" The woman says again. "It's okay" I say calmly, looking down at Ace as I brush some of her black hair out of her face.

"No! I hit your girlfriend!" The woman cries out, I hear the sound of sirens close. "She will be okay" I say, she has to be I think.

The ambulance screeches to a stop, EMT's rush over with a stretcher. "Sir I'm going to need you to step back" a female EMT says. I nod and gently lay her head on the ground. A few check the woman, but she was okay.

"Sir I'm going to ask you a few questions" the same lady from before says. "What is your relation to the victim?" She asks me.

"Brother" I answer immediately, "what happened?" She asks.

"Ace went to cross the street, she and her boyfriend just got in a fight and she wasn't thinking right. She went to the crosswalk and crossed when she stopped, she just stopped. She didn't hear the car coming, I screamed but it was to late" my voice cracks towards the end.

"Well it seems that your sister is suffering from brain and hip injury. It is unclear how bad she was hit" the lady says with sorrowful eyes. "Will you be riding with us?" She asks and I nod.

"Come with me" she says before walking over to Delilah.

Delilah was loaded into the back with three EMT's working over her,I sit on the metal bench and put my head in my hands.

Please be okay

I think.

Reaching out I grab her cold hand and squeeze it. "She is going to be okay" one of the three male EMT's say. I give a water.y smile and kiss her cold hand.

Be strong Delilah


Arriving at the hospital was chaos, people were shouting and running all over. Two doctors join and three nurses. I run to keep with the stretcher, "sir you can't go back there!" Someone shouts.

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