Ending So Soon?!?!?

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Guys I know everyone has been on it for me to get an update out but HONESTLY I haven't been feeling Undecided anymore. I don't know why maybe because the storyline is just not exciting to me anymore or the fact that I rushed through the idea before I really had the chance to think about it. I just don't feel like it right now and I know someone of y'all are gonna say "no keep updating it's so good" but I know it isn't. I'm just not that into it.

I might just delete it all together and get another book out that I've been working on and has been thought through and actually is interesting idk I don't wanna delete undecided BUT IDK..

I want you guys to decide but I need actually input and if you want you can give me ideas for what you think would be a great story cliffhanger. If I don't really like the responses or get any responses at all I'm really gonna delete this book. I'm sorry though I'm just at a point where I want to give y'all something so good to read that I'll even want to read it ; ya know!?!

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